Bob asked, as he often does, if I would like a ride back."No, thanks," I said, "I'm planning on riding back, with a bit extra, to get in a 100+ km ride."Bob responded, "well, Retta's gift is a bit big for you to carry on your bike.""Oh," said I, "in that case I accept your offer of a ride."As Iva noted, "first things first."
... mostly about cycling, maybe mostly randonneuring, mostly near Raleigh, NC.
Sunday, December 27, 2020
Dec-19: Holiday Range Road Rover??? No, but ...
Saturday, December 26, 2020
Nov-29: "TT" route 'n Quiet "Lynn Roads" for 100+ kms
The just risen nearly full moon was visible ahead of me on some road(s) -- probably the "flat" part of Mt Vernon Ch Rd between Carpenter Pond Rd and NC-50 (as that seems to be the only road heading in the correct direction just before and after sunset – or maybe the moon appeared while I was on Norwood Rd – certainly there was no where on Carpenter Pond Rd that would have in the correct direction(?)). The moon was a very fuzzy, big, nearly round globe -- fuzzy because of the thin overcast of clouds obscuring what would have been a bright nearly full-moon.
Anyway, I am still pleased that I was able to do that ride, staying in the 39/14 gearing the entire ride, and did NOT cramp.
I did pre-emptively use TonyG's cramp cure when I got back to my place -- six ounces of water with too much salt dissolved in same. I may not have needed to do that since my legs had stopped aching after the last 15 or so miles of the ride (I had backed off the effort because the legs were complaining before that), but "an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure".
I proved to myself that if there is a January Populaire available that I can get to, that I can complete it (and get the last ride of an interrupted P-36). However, I have decided that if there is not a Populaire that I can ride in January, I will not worry about it as, in the final analysis, rando rides are just bicycle rides.Nov-26: Thanksgiving Afternoon Ride
After the roads dried out from the overnight and morning drizzles, I did sneak in a short ride late in the afternoon. Delayed afternoon start even more because I noticed that my phone was almost out of juice. Started riding at about 2:55 pm, intending to ride about 30 miles and finish around 5:15 pm. [A 30-ish mile ride would have looked something akin to this from the other day.]
Friday, December 25, 2020
Nov-22: Short Climbing Ride
( "center" portion of the ride this date )
[AMAZING -- the draft route, starting/ending at my abode come up with ~ 1680 ft of climbing.But the revised route linked above comes up with only about 1330 ft of climbing.The approx 2-miles of sidewalk riding should account for only approx 60 ft,Yet RWGPS estimates are a whopping 350 apart.For those that think that RWGPS has reasonable estimates of the amount of climbing:HA!(I have other weird RWGPS results that put disbelief on RWGPS estimates.)]
Oct-31: Long Assault on Flat Rock -- Shorted -- Again!
Nov-13-2010 ride. |
Anyway, we continued our ride onto Purnell and then Camp Kanata roads, and
Ricochet Robert, hanging onto my wheel, recalled a ride from years previous.8 or 9 years before, I had dragged all the fast-dudes back up to Robert,Who was hoping to hold off the fast-dudes and "win the stage."As soon as Robert started telling the story, I started laughing,Telling him that I knew exactly what he was going to say, butThat he should tell it, anyway.He ended the story-telling by cussing me out for my actions those many days ago.I replied he had given me the same cussing out immediately after the ride he described.Big fun!
New Light, Ghoston, etc., and Robert "skutches me out".
Ricochet Robert decided to try to tire the fast three-some still with us,
Tito, Ags, Shane,
AND build a lead on New Light that he might be able to carry to the top of Ghoston.
I was still resting my lower back as we started on New Light, and
IvaHawk and I were soon further back from the fasties than Robert was ahead.
Robert did build quite a lead.
I told Iva, that after half-a-mile or so, my back would be fine, and
"We'll go get 'em."
Iva was game.
That's what we did.
I pulled Iva up and past the kibitzing fasties,
Closed to and went around Robert without a problem.
Robert weighs 135 lbs. I weigh just under 160 lbs.
The road on that stretch is mostly down-slope (heading for the river / lake).
I generate more power that Robert.
So, it was not difficult to make up the (nearly) quarter-mile to Robert.
The problem, in Robert's view, was me passing the fasties.
Because they picked up their pace from putz-kibitz to grab Iva's wheel.
And the six-some was all back together well before reaching Ghoston.
Robert can climb.
But Ags, Tito and Shane can climb the little hills around here faster than Robert.
Robert enjoyed skutching me out when we all got back to PUE.
- PUE BoldRunHill-SidMitchell to 96-u-turn-GrahamShearon-MVC
- 0810, w/ Ricochet -- 45F, ovecast, N/NE breeze/wind
- 41.3-miles. 3:07 in-motion. avg 13.2-mph in-motion.
- Robert would have ridden about 14-miles more commuting to and from the ride.
Monday, December 21, 2020
Oct-21: IvaHawk Meets Me at Anderson Point
- some obvious pandemic caused newbies on (dis)comfort bikes,
- some of those hammering, some just enjoying being (out of the house),
- some likely pandemic caused newbies on decent to expensive road bikes,
- quite a few of those seem ill-fitted to their machines (or the other way 'round),
- some riders hammering away as if training for Tour de France,
- many with prodigious speed on the flat, but unable to climb even small inclines,
- families,
- the last category being my favorite because ... well, U should know.
- One woman was riding with a trail-a-bike and another youngster on their own bike,
- I caught up to them as they were negotiating their way onto and across one of the bridges.
- The mother appeared apprehensive about my approach from behind.
- I called out, "don't worry, mom, I got you covered."
- As I passed her, I mentioned that I had quite a few riders that would have given her not a moment as she dealt with her troop, given not an extra inch of space, because they were seemingly training for the Pro Tour. She responded that she had discussed that very point, with same comment about "Tour de France" trainees on the pathway, with her husband the previous evening.
- As I said to the woman, "the speed limit is 10-mph, and I admit that I exceed that, "
- The woman interrupted, "but you slowed and gave way when needed."
Sunday, December 20, 2020
Sep-05: Long Assault on Flat Rock -- Shorted
![]() |
I took two photos. Not sure which I prefer. |
For more from that Nov-2010 ride, click here. |
Friday, December 11, 2020
Carpenter Pond / "TT" Based Routes / Rides
- -> PUE: "TT" course + Coley Rd -->
- 0828 start --> "TT" course w/ IvaHawk
- 45.6-miles. 3:26 in-motion. avg 13.2-mph in-motion.
- I really ought to have something to type since the Hawk joined me for this ride. But the main things I recall are: (a) riding across Norwood Rd to Leesville Rd to show Iva the bike-lanes added on Leesville Rd between Norwood and Harrington Grove roads -- Iva was not interested in using the bike lane on the way back, so we came back the traditional Carpenter Pond, Mt Vernon Ch Rd route to get to Pleasant Union Elementary (PUE); (b) Iva hadn't ridden out this way since he moved closer to downtown Raleigh a year or more ago (and maybe even longer than that?), so I'm sure we mentioned all the new housing developments on Leesville Rd and the ones being built on Doc Nichols Rd.
- When "Del Webb" started building and advertising the first housing developments on Leesville Rd, they ran TV commercials that included how great it was for residents of "Del Webb" developments because there were many activities including group bicycling rides that one could join - you know, long rides of 20 or 25 miles - and how one could improve one's time every ride. Meanwhile, those of us that had been riding past where those new developments were changing the character of the roadsides thought that the "Del Webb" (and other) developments were ruining what had been perfectly great cycling roads.
- We knew that the area would eventually become over-filled with houses, etc., but personally, I would have preferred if it had taken another 10 years to over-build along there. (However, once the "Brier's Creek" shopping and housing area, especially the shopping, "took off," the new housing was sure to appear, unfortunately sooner rather than later.)
- no photos
- -> via Honeycutt-Norwood to "TT" course -> return Norwood-Honeycutt
- 1300 start, solo
- 40.5-miles. 2:55 in-motion. avg 13.8-mph in-motion.
- no photos
- -> via Honeycutt-Norwood to "TT" course -> return Norwood-Honeycutt
- 1235 start, solo -- 78 - 81 F, w/ annoying shifting strong breeze
- 40.4-miles. 2:52 in-motion. avg 14.1 mph.
- no photos
- -> Honeycutt to "TT" course -> Honeycutt -> a friend's
- 1305 start, solo -- 77F +, w/ SW wind -- 2h58 elapsed
- 41.2-miles. 2:52 in-motion. avg 14.3-mph.
![]() |
Man-made pond at the corner of Carpenter Pond and Coley roads -- taken from near the corner. |
- -> Honeycutt -> PUE: "TT course -> N/wood-6Forks-Strickland ->
- I did actually "pull in" at PUE to check something on the bike(?) or maybe to take or make a phone call or text. (U don't expect me to remember 2+ months later do you? And that lack of recollection is a good reason to get back to blogging / posting within hours or a day or two of the ride.)
- "6Forks-Strickland" is a shorter and flatter way back to my abode, but it does have more traffic. However, at roughly 2:10 pm, not "too much" traffic. I must have been a bit tired since I finished the ride the shorter and definitely flatter routing.
- 1120 start, solo -- mid-70sF w/ SW breeze -- 2h49 elapsed
- 39.4-miles. 2:46 in-motion. avg 14.2-mph.
- no photos
- -> Hcutt-Nwood-MVC-Carpenter-DocN-OliveBr-Carp-Leesville-N-6F-Strickland
- 1225 start, solo -- mid+ 50sF w/ NNE breeze -- 2h45 elapsed
- 37.7-miles. 2:40 in-motion. avg 14.1-mph.
- I started this ride from a friend's since I was dog/house-sitting for said friend.
- Seeing the distance of this ride, I recall the most interesting thing encountered on this ride. Just before, or perhaps a better description would be "at", the Carpenter Pond / Olive Branch corner, there was an 18-wheeler that had tried to use a car's driveway crossing of the fairly deep ditch along the south side of Carpenter Pond Rd -- the driver tried to cross the entry-way on a diagonal and had failed miserably -- the right-side rear wheels of the cab were adrift in the ditch, not touching bottom. A couple cars and I carefully navigated around the trailer section which was entirely blocking the eastbound lane of Carpenter Pond. I thought of stopping to take a photo, but figured that if I shorted the route (which I seemed to have NOT documented in the Excel file ??) I could make it back and take photos then -- after all, it looked as if the 18-wheeler would be there for quite a while.
- However, after completing the CP-Leesville-DocNichols-OliveBranch loop, the 18 wheeler had been rescued and was parked in the westbound lane of Carpenter Pond. There were TWO HUGE wreckers on-site. I reckon that they had done a rescue somewhat similar to that "Weather Channel" show -- you either know the show or you don't.
- After riding past the 18-wheeler, I
mentioned to the two neighbors that were standing on the lawn side of
their driveway across the ditch that "I guess I should have taken a photo
when I first rode past here." The neighbors chuckled.