A "guest" blog entry:
Started out with Martin, Lt. Dave and the three Pauls (Paul #1 - PaulN - Iceman, Paul #2 - PaulS - Mallet, Paul #3 - also PaulS - Smitty). Two of the Paul’s turned off at around mile 30 for an "all-Paul" short ride.
Our goal for average speed was 15 mph and we did just a little better than that for most of the day.
Came upon the Flat River Café in Hurdle Mills and noted it for a possible meal stop for a future ride. Nourishment probably wouldn’t be a bad idea before the dreaded climb up from Flat River just after Hurdle Mills.
Rain threatened a few times throughout the day, but never happened, although for a lot of the day the roads were a little wet. Must have just missed some of the showers.
Took a long lunch break in Stovall at mile 84 (subs and pizza).
We also got lucky with wind. I only remember one section of road where we were riding into a noticeable headwind, but for a long part of the homestretch we were lucky enough to have a decent tailwind to help us along.
Martin started having problems with leg cramps on the climb up Lawrence Rd, but was able to continue until the cramps came back with a vengeance at mile 116.
After taking a short break we decided to leave Martin there and come back and pick him up. A mile or so up the road Lt Dave remembered that his wife was at home with the truck and could pick Martin up much faster than we could so the call was made.
We were half expecting Martin to be waiting at the school for us. Turned out he showed up about twenty minutes after we got back.
Overall good roads with light traffic and a good day!
Personal records for distance for both Martin and myself.
Longest ride for Lt Dave since mid to late eighties (at least I think that’s what he said).
My stats for the day:
Type: General Road Cycling
Date: 10/10/2009
Start: 07:29:00
End: 17:04:00
Time Taken:08:04:21
Energy Burned 9,802 (kcal)
Total Distance 126.57 mi.
Pace: 49:02 (min) 03:49 (avg) 01:33 (max)
Speed: 1.22 (mi/hr) (min) 15.72 (mi/hr) (avg) 38.77 (mi/hr) (max)
HR: 85 (bpm) (min) 133 (bpm) (avg) 167 (bpm) (max)
Cadence: 11 (rpm) (min) 72 (rpm) (avg) 125 (rpm) (max)
PUE: Hurdle Mills 184k: Gorman-Treyburn-SnowHillRd-Schley-HurdleMills-Timberlake-Mt.Harmony-Stovall-Wilton-Grissom-aack!: w/ Lt. Dave, Smitty (+ Mallet, Iceman for ~ 28 m.); 116.2 m.; est 5703 ft climbed --> effort index = 163; 7hrs, 32min; 15.4 mph.
1st Qt. tot: 20 rides; 755.3 m.; 47 hrs, 31 min; 15.9 mph.
2nd Qt. tot: 43 rides; 2124.3 m.; 134 hrs, 59 min; 15.7 mph.
3rd Qt tot: 36 rides; 1947.2 m.; 121 hrs, 48 min; 16.0 mph.
Oct tot: 3 rides, 227.3m.; 14 hrs, 44 min; 15.4 mph.
YTD: 102 rides; 5054.3 m.; 319 hrs, 4 min; 15.8 mph.
Rolling 12-mos.: 122 rides; 5928.8 m.; 371 hrs, 41 min; 16.0 mph.
This route had more "gross climbing" than I thought it did. Latest estimate for the entire 126+ mile "200k" is 6222 ft of climbing.
ReplyDeleteJust goes to show that the veloroutes "follow-the-road" beta may not get all the ripples. Either that, or the veloroutes data-base has been improved.