Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Story of the Irregulars, Chapter 3, part b

One of the most memorable (to me, anyway) "irregulars" rides of the year occurred on Jun-7th. I would like to be able to say that it was memorable because we had the most riders participate ever; which at ten riders, would be true, but that is not why it is most memorable to me. I would like to be able to say that it was memorable because, for the first time ever, some members of the fairer sex were on the ride; while that is true that is not why it is most memorable to me. I would like to be able to say that it was memorable because I rode like the wind, never dropped off the back, and that I never suffered a moment's frustration or fatigue; but that would be a complete falsehood.

The reason that the ride is so memorable to me is that, slow as I was going early on, I started seriously flaging even before the half-way point, could barely hold the wheel of the Iceman on Bruce Garner / New Light although he was only trying to pace me at about 13 or 14 mph, I had to get off the bike on second steep part of Ghoston, and after a 20 minute (maybe more) recovery period, I had to jump off the bike near the top of the steep part of Peed, and give up the hope of completing the ride when only 3 miles from PUE. Before leaving me to ride to PUE and get my car to return and collect me, the Iceman wanted assurance that I was not going to die while he was gone. Things were decidedly not good, one could even say the were BAD.

There was one moment of joy while waiting for the Iceman to cometh: I experienced my first ever "road angel". A large SUV passed by my forlorn self sitting on the shaded side of the road, and turned around to come back and ask if I would like a cold bottle of water. A defininte godsend. Maybe things were only BAD.

Sometime in May or June, the Duke asked that Dave-not-the-Wave be added to the list. He was, and it was good, and would get better once he actually joined us for a ride (even though we don't offer free beer as the CBC team does). On some ride in the autumn, with only D-ntW and I in attendance, Dave told me the story of how he actually met Snapper and BigWaveDave (sometimes known as "Dave-the-Wave"), but that is Dave's story, and if I write everything, what war stories will be left to share on future rides?

Of course, an important "irregulars" ride of particular note during 2008 was the "Virginia Border Raid"; 108 miles of mostly great fun. I started flaging even before reaching Oxford on the way back; I still claim that the effort of pulling Snapper and Dave-not-the-Wave back up to the Iceman, the Duke, and WrongWay took a lot out of me; that is my story and I am sticking to it. Canadys Mill and Philo White roads, which I looked forward to from the beginning of the ride, were no picnics for me. A long rest at Grissom, and Dave-ntW and Duke riding with me from there to PUE were deeply appreciated. At Ghoston, I took the "character building" turn and the Duke came with me; thanks. Dave-ntW stayed straight on New Light, and WrongWay was deeply appreciative of that as he had fallen off the back of the mini-group of the Iceman, Snapper, and WrongWay. The two original "irregulars" were the ones in the worst shape; but we finished: WrongWay's first ever 100-miler, my fastest ever "on-the-bike-time" 100-miler (which isn't saying much since I've only done two 100-milers). As for the others, at the finish: the Duke seemed nearly Regal, the Iceman was cool, Snapper looked dapper, and I can't think of a clever quip for not-the-Wave. All-in-all, it was good. Finally.

In September or October, Snapper asked for Peter Rabbit to be added to the list, and he was, and it was good. Rabbit didn't "show" for a ride until the Saturday after Thanksgiving; but that day I showed up to tell the group I was not riding because I had a cold, Dave-ntW failed to show, and Snapper's car had a flat tire. I would try to make a clever comment about flat tires here, but karma might strike me down, so I won't. Anyway, no one other than the Rabbit showed to ride, and since it was cold, he went home. Oh, well, next year things will be better.

So ended the third year of the "irregulars". Some riders, for example, "postscript" (aka PaulS), we will have to await the completion of chapter 4 (2009) before we read about their exploits.

Oh, one last thing: is anyone sure that Iva actually exists, and has a bike? We still haven't seen him even though the Duke got him on the list early in 2008.

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