We rescued the Range Road Rover Holiday ride tradition today.
Seven of us met at PUE for a 10 am wheels away.
In order of arrival:
IvaHawk, me, Bob "Duke" S, LT and Red Rocket, Tito, Ricochet Robert.
We left a bit late.
18.5 miles, just as I was settling in, five wanted to stop in Butner for a "nature break."
On Range Road, just before Cassam Rd, LT had a flat.
Luckily still in the open sunshine BEFORE the mile or more tree & shade tunnel.
About 5 minutes to fix the flat and away we go.
Ricochet tried to go-around Tito to take the Person CL sprint.
I'm not convinced that Tito was playing.
However, as I was behind Robert, I decided to jump for the CL just a moment after Robert jumped.
The 50/13 was really too big a gear for me to jump, but I made Robert work.
He beat me by the width of a tyre.
I think he said that made four, or was it eight, lifetime CL sprint wins.
I suggested that maybe he should now figure out how to take-on our rando friend Jerry P.
Robert thought that was NOT a good idea.
And then, only about 8 minutes of cycling after fixing his flat,
LT flatted again.
A MUCH more thorough search for the possible causes of the flats was undertaken.
I offered my spare tyre -- LT pretended to ignore me.
Ricochet offered one of those temporary postage stamp patches -- it was used.
Fifteen or twenty minutes for the second flat change.
The second held, at least until the end of the ride.
The Person County chip-seal surface of Range Road is getting quite annoying!
Despite that, or maybe partially because of it, I started picking up the pace.
The quicker to get off that bad surface.
Perhaps the roughness wouldn't seem as bad if we were going faster.
And I wanted to take any remaining sprint-zip out of Robert's legs
Before the potential Granville CL sprint.
I did manage to drop everyone before the CL, or
Maybe the all decided to drop me off their front wheels.
I know where that county line is.
I kept going to a bigger gear and ramping up the cadence.
(Helped by the long shallow decline to a non-descript creek.)
But ... the county line sign was missing.
The CL was discernible only by the change in the road surface.
Robert claims I can't count the point for that one.
I dunno'. I may have to get a ruling from the chief official.
The Range Road surface in Granville County was a delight -- SMOOTH asphalt.
There are always more rollers southbound on Range Road heading toward Stem
Than anyone ever seems to remember.
We all turned onto Little Mtn Rd -- there had been talk of skipping that turn.
Most of us regrouped at the corner of Little Mtn Rd and Old-75.
All of us regrouped in Stem.
We had our first true tailwind of the day on Little Mtn Rd.
Unfortunately, that road is less than 2-miles long.
And there is a climb or two to be dealt with.
[LT and I reminisced about the RRR ride where Levi bonked badly before reaching Little Mtn Rd.
We had conspired to make him worry about that road.
But, given his state, I stayed with Levi across Little Mtn Rd., and
When the stop-sign was visible, congratulated Levi on having completed said road.
Levi was confused.
I admitted that it had been a practical joke,
However, we had not anticipated him bonking BEFORE we got there.]
Brogden Rd from Stem to Creedmoor is mostly a downslope, and
On this day, we had a tailwind.
Some of us rushed down that road as hard / fast as we could.
Some of us rushed down for the first two or three miles, and then sat up.
Some of us concluded that they needed to conserve energy in order to make the last 21.5-miles.
A couple of the "rushers" waited, or turned around to ride back to, the conservers.
The conserver group of four took our time, did not hammer in on the G-P-MVC finish, and
Had a mostly good time.
This is obviously my last ride of the calendar year.
I dislike ride reports being in the wrong months.
I heartily dislike ride reports being in the wrong year.
I'll come back in a day or two in order to include the usual ride & year-to-date stats.
In the meantime, Happy New Year to everyone!
... mostly about cycling, maybe mostly randonneuring, mostly near Raleigh, NC.
Tuesday, December 31, 2013
Monday, December 30, 2013
Dec-28: 'No-Name' Route
the Range Road Rover Holiday tradition made it 5-years, but in this, the
wannabe 6th year, when it appeared that it would be only IvaHawk and
me, and Iva indicated that he hadn't ridden anything close to 65-miles
for a few months, we scaled back to the 47-mile Creedmoor-Grissom route.
When Ricochet showed at the last moment, dragging some TLC riders,
we stuck to the 47-mile plan. The TLC people were doing a much shorter
around-the-lake ride.
As we approached Creedmoor, Robert asked if we should take the
short-cut through the neighborhood. Shocked as we were that Robert had
remembered the short-cut, IvaHawk & I agreed. However, when we got
to NC-50 to cross over to Dove Rd, we realized that we were now doing the "wrong" course, and that we weren't going to get anywhere near a
50-mile ride (which had become Iva's goal). We managed to talk Robert
into riding up Beaver Dam / Rock Spring Ch Rd to Bruce Garner and adding
6-miles back on to the unintentionally shortened route. You won't be
surprised to learn that Robert was quite willing to ride UP the 4-mile
The resulting route, though it's been ridden before, has never been named -- thus the title of this post.
We three had a good time. But unless people come out of the woodwork to do RRR on Monday or Tuesday, the RRR Holiday tradition will have passed.
We three had a good time. But unless people come out of the woodwork to do RRR on Monday or Tuesday, the RRR Holiday tradition will have passed.
--> PUE: CarpPond-DocN-Creedmoor-Dove-RockSpringsCh-G-P-MVC -->; 60.8 m.; 4h02 in-motion; 15.0 mph.
Q-1 tot: _11 rides; _940.3 m; _64h42; 14.5 mph; 1275 RUSA kms.
Q-2 tot: _18 rides; 2293.9 m; 158h18; 14.5 mph; 3142 RUSA kms.
Q-3 tot: _19 rides; 2027.8 m; 134h34; 15.1 mph; 2383 RUSA kms.
Oct tot: __3 rides; _366.6 m; _24h16; 15.1 mph; _348 RUSA kms.
Nov tot: __5 rides; _482.3 m; _33h11; 14.5 mph; _724 RUSA kms.
--> PUE: CarpPond-DocN-Creedmoor-Dove-RockSpringsCh-G-P-MVC -->; 60.8 m.; 4h02 in-motion; 15.0 mph.
Q-1 tot: _11 rides; _940.3 m; _64h42; 14.5 mph; 1275 RUSA kms.
Q-2 tot: _18 rides; 2293.9 m; 158h18; 14.5 mph; 3142 RUSA kms.
Q-3 tot: _19 rides; 2027.8 m; 134h34; 15.1 mph; 2383 RUSA kms.
Oct tot: __3 rides; _366.6 m; _24h16; 15.1 mph; _348 RUSA kms.
Nov tot: __5 rides; _482.3 m; _33h11; 14.5 mph; _724 RUSA kms.
Dec tot: __4 rides; _342.2 m; _23h21; 14.7 mph; _416 RUSA kms.
YTD tot: _60 rides; 6453.1 m; 438h25; 14.7 mph; 8288 RUSA kms.
xxx, yyy, zzz.
xxx, yyy, zzz.
Thursday, December 26, 2013
Dec-21: Egypt Mtn -- R-48 for BobB
R-48 -- that was Bob's goal on the day.
Did he get it?
An official 0700 start by four of us for Egypt Mtn: Bob, Ricochet, TomD, me.
An official 0700 start by one doing a reversed Bahama Beach: Byron.
We all started together, about 5 or 6 minutes late.
Byron doing BB reversed so that he could ride 20-kms with all of us.
Byron admitted he would need the cue sheet to do the route reversed.
[I think he could have done the std route, std direction, sans cue sheet.]
2-kms from the start, Byron exclaimed, "hey, I thought the route turned left there!"
I explained that since BB is now a 'free-route,'
It was perfectly acceptable for him doing BB to start the way we were going.
I recall that everyone got in at least a few words with Byron before he turned his solo way.
Tom and Byron talked about the late November 'Old Liberty' perm each had done.
A ride during which Byron came out the short end of an encounter with a dog.
However, should you be curious, AFTER calling 911 and getting attention from EMS personnel,
And interacting with animal control / policing authorities (?),
Byron rode the last 70-miles of that 200+ km route to maintain his R-series-continuous.
Byron's R-series must be about R-44, now.
I don't know what subject(s) Bob and Ricochet discussed with Byron in those first 20 kms.
I am absolutely sure I chatted a bit with Byron, but I have no recollection of what we discussed.
We apparently enjoyed a tailwind for the first 54-miles to Drewry.
And a quartering side/tailwind the next 10 miles to Warrenton.
I type "apparently" because I didn't really notice the little push from behind,
But I certainly noticed the headwind upon leaving Warrenton.
Ricochet paid a lot of attention to his smart-phone while in Epsom for the "PM-control."
I asked if he was "doing Facebook."
His response? "No."
Turned out he was likely texting and checking text messages,
Because just a couple miles after leaving Epsom,
Ricochet wanted to up the pace,
Claiming he needed to make it back for a date.
I had no intention of picking up my pace.
My legs were making it clear that to do so would be a very bad idea.
So ... on Gooch Rd, Bob and I dropped Ricochet and Tom off our front wheels,
And we made our way back as two small groups of two.
The various climbs, combined with headwind, took a toll on each of Bob and me.
I thought surely Ricochet and Tom would have finished 40 or more minutes before we did.
Turned out it was only 21 official minutes.
And if Bob and I had not had to wait 3 or 5 minutes,
When inside 4-kms from finishing,
For a long-truck carrying a large piece of construction equipment,
To back-in off the road,
We would have been closer.
Still, Ricochet and Tom put 15 to 20 seconds per mile into Bob and me.
But although I wanted to get in under 10-hours,
Neither Bob nor I had the legs to do that on this day.
However, as noted above, we did beat the Dark Monster (barely),
And Bob became the first of the NC-2010-rando-rookies to snag R-48.
[I recorded R-41.]
2011-NC-Rookie-of-the-Year Ricochet had recorded R-27 earlier in the month.
Also, 2013-NC-Rookie-of-the-Year TomD had recorded R-12 earlier in the month.
(Tom has applied for his R-12. Congratulations on a great year, Tom.)
I'll forgo the usual personal stats and end with the following chart:
One more chart:
Okay, one personal stat:
Eddington Cycling Number:
After this ride: 109.
Meaning that I have completed at least 109 different rides that were at least 109 miles long.
[It is going to get much harder to increase that number starting quite soon.]
Did he get it?
You better believe he did -- otherwise Bob would not have affixed the R-48-continuous "sticker" that had been previously provided by "sag." (Although he/we didn't break the 10-hour barrier, the northeasterly sky, that makes up part of the background of this photo, is of a hue that shows that he/we did beat the Dark Monster on the shortest day of the year.) [Hmmn -- as of when I'm typing this, Bob has not yet applied for his fourth R-12 recognition -- hmmn.] |
An official 0700 start by four of us for Egypt Mtn: Bob, Ricochet, TomD, me.
An official 0700 start by one doing a reversed Bahama Beach: Byron.
We all started together, about 5 or 6 minutes late.
Byron doing BB reversed so that he could ride 20-kms with all of us.
Byron admitted he would need the cue sheet to do the route reversed.
[I think he could have done the std route, std direction, sans cue sheet.]
2-kms from the start, Byron exclaimed, "hey, I thought the route turned left there!"
I explained that since BB is now a 'free-route,'
It was perfectly acceptable for him doing BB to start the way we were going.
I recall that everyone got in at least a few words with Byron before he turned his solo way.
Tom and Byron talked about the late November 'Old Liberty' perm each had done.
A ride during which Byron came out the short end of an encounter with a dog.
However, should you be curious, AFTER calling 911 and getting attention from EMS personnel,
And interacting with animal control / policing authorities (?),
Byron rode the last 70-miles of that 200+ km route to maintain his R-series-continuous.
Byron's R-series must be about R-44, now.
I don't know what subject(s) Bob and Ricochet discussed with Byron in those first 20 kms.
I am absolutely sure I chatted a bit with Byron, but I have no recollection of what we discussed.
We apparently enjoyed a tailwind for the first 54-miles to Drewry.
And a quartering side/tailwind the next 10 miles to Warrenton.
I type "apparently" because I didn't really notice the little push from behind,
But I certainly noticed the headwind upon leaving Warrenton.
Ricochet paid a lot of attention to his smart-phone while in Epsom for the "PM-control."
I asked if he was "doing Facebook."
His response? "No."
Turned out he was likely texting and checking text messages,
Because just a couple miles after leaving Epsom,
Ricochet wanted to up the pace,
Claiming he needed to make it back for a date.
I had no intention of picking up my pace.
My legs were making it clear that to do so would be a very bad idea.
So ... on Gooch Rd, Bob and I dropped Ricochet and Tom off our front wheels,
And we made our way back as two small groups of two.
The various climbs, combined with headwind, took a toll on each of Bob and me.
I thought surely Ricochet and Tom would have finished 40 or more minutes before we did.
Turned out it was only 21 official minutes.
And if Bob and I had not had to wait 3 or 5 minutes,
When inside 4-kms from finishing,
For a long-truck carrying a large piece of construction equipment,
To back-in off the road,
We would have been closer.
Still, Ricochet and Tom put 15 to 20 seconds per mile into Bob and me.
But although I wanted to get in under 10-hours,
Neither Bob nor I had the legs to do that on this day.
However, as noted above, we did beat the Dark Monster (barely),
And Bob became the first of the NC-2010-rando-rookies to snag R-48.
[I recorded R-41.]
2011-NC-Rookie-of-the-Year Ricochet had recorded R-27 earlier in the month.
Also, 2013-NC-Rookie-of-the-Year TomD had recorded R-12 earlier in the month.
(Tom has applied for his R-12. Congratulations on a great year, Tom.)
I'll forgo the usual personal stats and end with the following chart:
Permanent Route Name / # | Distance | Date | Finishers | DNF |
NC: Warrenton & Egypt Mountain / 1444 | 210 | 2013/12/21 | 4 | 0 |
Cert# | RUSA# | Name | Club / ACP Code | Time |
RUSA-T37629 | 6628 | B__, Robert D | Randonneurs USA / 933095 | 09:57 |
RUSA-T37630 | 5843 | B__, Bob | Randonneurs USA / 933095 | 10:18 |
RUSA-T37631 | 7794 | D__, Thomas Lee | North Carolina Bicycle Club / 933045 | 09:57 |
RUSA-T37632 | 6218 | S__, Martin | Randonneurs USA / 933095 | 10:18 |
One more chart:
Permanent Route Name / # | Distance | Date | Finishers | DNF |
NC: Bahama Beach / 1404 | 103 | 2013/12/21 | 1 | 0 |
Cert# | RUSA# | Name | Club / ACP Code | Time |
RUSA-T37628 | 621 | M__, Byron E | North Carolina Bicycle Club / 933045 | 04:40 |
Okay, one personal stat:
Eddington Cycling Number:
After this ride: 109.
Meaning that I have completed at least 109 different rides that were at least 109 miles long.
[It is going to get much harder to increase that number starting quite soon.]
Sunday, December 15, 2013
Dec-15: Mt. Bethel + a Little Mtn Perm-Pop
Actually, 'Bahama Beach,' a 'free route.'
But I rode the standard route -- for only the second time since morphing to 'free route' status.
Mt. Bethel is the original name of the Bahama area.
Near Stem, Little Mtn Rd connects Range Rd to Old-75.
Lake Michie was as full as I've seen it.
Today, I have to agree with NC-2011-Randonneuse-of-the-Year Janis:
I should have named the route 'Bahama Bridge.'
Byron and Ricochet did Byron's LLL 205-k perm today.
I was supposed to join them, but -- the simplest explanation is -- I overslept.
Luckily, I am currently on pretty good terms with the Bahama Beach route-owner, and
I was able to negotiate a last-minute ride.
I noticed, not for the first time, the little cow-barrel cousin of the one on Alan's 2, 3 + 400 brevet routes.
I think that Byron or Ricochet or I should be sure to take a photo next time we pass that way.
Coming off a 2-week lingering head cold, it is probably a very good thing I missed the LLL hill-fest.
Bahama Beach offered plenty enough climbing for me today, thank-you very much.
4h40 elapsed time.
4h26 in-motion --> rather slow, but, hey, I'm coming off a 2-week head cold hiatus!
3-minutes to take a photo near the control inBahama Mt. Bethel.
- I may post the photo later -- or just share with one person -- probably the latter.
7-minutes at the control in Stem.
4-minutes when half-way up the Lawrence Rd climb to chat with a couple of old-timers,
(You understand "old-timers," right? One was my age; the other a bit older.)
They flagged me down to chew the fat while the older one completed splitting a "tree-stump."
Their pick-up truck's rear was full to overflowing with well-seasoned wood for heat.
Anyway, they were the highlight of the ride.
People, you understand, yes?
This ride made P-24-continuous for me.
Also, 58 consecutive months with at least one ride of any sort that was at least 100-kms in length.
But I rode the standard route -- for only the second time since morphing to 'free route' status.
Mt. Bethel is the original name of the Bahama area.
Near Stem, Little Mtn Rd connects Range Rd to Old-75.
Lake Michie was as full as I've seen it.
Today, I have to agree with NC-2011-Randonneuse-of-the-Year Janis:
I should have named the route 'Bahama Bridge.'
Byron and Ricochet did Byron's LLL 205-k perm today.
I was supposed to join them, but -- the simplest explanation is -- I overslept.
Luckily, I am currently on pretty good terms with the Bahama Beach route-owner, and
I was able to negotiate a last-minute ride.
I noticed, not for the first time, the little cow-barrel cousin of the one on Alan's 2, 3 + 400 brevet routes.
I think that Byron or Ricochet or I should be sure to take a photo next time we pass that way.
Coming off a 2-week lingering head cold, it is probably a very good thing I missed the LLL hill-fest.
Bahama Beach offered plenty enough climbing for me today, thank-you very much.
4h40 elapsed time.
4h26 in-motion --> rather slow, but, hey, I'm coming off a 2-week head cold hiatus!
3-minutes to take a photo near the control in
- I may post the photo later -- or just share with one person -- probably the latter.
7-minutes at the control in Stem.
4-minutes when half-way up the Lawrence Rd climb to chat with a couple of old-timers,
(You understand "old-timers," right? One was my age; the other a bit older.)
They flagged me down to chew the fat while the older one completed splitting a "tree-stump."
Their pick-up truck's rear was full to overflowing with well-seasoned wood for heat.
Anyway, they were the highlight of the ride.
People, you understand, yes?
This ride made P-24-continuous for me.
Also, 58 consecutive months with at least one ride of any sort that was at least 100-kms in length.
Monday, December 9, 2013
2013 North Carolina Brevet Results
Much of the following information was prepared for, but did not make it into, the North Carolina 2013 Year-End Rando Party entertainment presentation. (The party was held in Durham, NC on Nov-23rd.)
140 identified persons and up to 17 unidentified(+) nonmembers completed brevets in North Carolina during 2013.
(+) The nonmembers are obviously known, and with access to the RUSA database or with some digging, one could find out the identities of those said nonmembers, but for mere mortals such as myself, limiting the extract to information from the RUSA website, "unidentified" fits the bill.
This first chart summarizes completed brevet rides in each of the two regions in North Carolina (NC). For kicks, subtotals are shown for rides completed by residents of NC and several nearby states; a state ID was assigned to each person based on the club/state identity included in the brevet results (adjustments were made for several individuals).
The majority of brevets ridden in NC in 2013 were by residents of NC and nearby states, most notably South Carolina, Virginia, Maryland, Georgia and Florida. Most of those not from the southeastern US that rode a brevet in NC in 2013 did the Taste of Carolina 1200.
This next three charts show completed rides within each of the two regions by brevet distance and by North Carolina residents and all non-NC residents.
As noted above, much / most of the above were prepared for the NC year-end rando party, and I just didn't want the work to go totally unused.
A footnote of sorts: except for the two 100-km RUSA Populaires, all brevets were ACP events.
It will be a surprise to no one familiar with NC brevets and randonneurs to learn that the five individuals that completed the most kilometers during NC brevets in 2013 were: (1) Joel, (2) MaryF, (3) Ed, (4) TomF, (5) Turbo Tim.
Well, some might be surprised that Ed makes that list. After all, his club on the RUSA site indicates Atlanta Audax, and he lives in South Carolina, or New York, one of those, maybe both.
140 identified persons and up to 17 unidentified(+) nonmembers completed brevets in North Carolina during 2013.
(+) The nonmembers are obviously known, and with access to the RUSA database or with some digging, one could find out the identities of those said nonmembers, but for mere mortals such as myself, limiting the extract to information from the RUSA website, "unidentified" fits the bill.
This first chart summarizes completed brevet rides in each of the two regions in North Carolina (NC). For kicks, subtotals are shown for rides completed by residents of NC and several nearby states; a state ID was assigned to each person based on the club/state identity included in the brevet results (adjustments were made for several individuals).
High Point results | Raleigh results | Total NC resutls | |||||
41 | Events | 6 | Events | 47 | Events | ||
State | Circuits | kms | Circuits | kms | Circuits | kms | |
33 | NC | 131 | 55,880 | 95 | 29,000 | 226 | 84,880 |
40 | SC | 15 | 9,900 | 7 | 2,700 | 22 | 12,600 |
46 | VA + DCR | 18 | 10,940 | 10 | 4,100 | 28 | 15,040 |
20 | MD | 6 | 4,600 | 0 | 0 | 6 | 4,600 |
10 | GA | 5 | 1,900 | 1 | 600 | 6 | 2,500 |
47 | WA | 5 | 4,800 | 0 | 0 | 5 | 4,800 |
6 | CO | 4 | 4,800 | 0 | 0 | 4 | 4,800 |
32 | NY | 6 | 4,700 | 1 | 200 | 7 | 4,900 |
9 | FL | 4 | 2,800 | 0 | 0 | 4 | 2,800 |
23 | MN | 6 | 4,700 | 0 | 0 | 6 | 4,700 |
111 | Ontario | 2 | 2,400 | 0 | 0 | 2 | 2,400 |
other | 25 | 21,000 | 0 | 0 | 25 | 21,000 | |
99 | nonmember | 7 | 1,600 | 10 | 2,100 | 17 | 3,700 |
Total | 234 | 130,020 | 124 | 38,700 | 358 | 168,720 |
The majority of brevets ridden in NC in 2013 were by residents of NC and nearby states, most notably South Carolina, Virginia, Maryland, Georgia and Florida. Most of those not from the southeastern US that rode a brevet in NC in 2013 did the Taste of Carolina 1200.
This next three charts show completed rides within each of the two regions by brevet distance and by North Carolina residents and all non-NC residents.
High Point Region (Tony) Events | North Carolinians * | others | |||||
Distance | Circuits | kms | Circuits | kms | Circuits | kms | |
100 | 1 | 100 | 1 | 100 | 0 | 0 | |
200 | 60 | 12,000 | 48 | 9,600 | 12 | 2,400 | |
300 | 38 | 11,400 | 29 | 8,700 | 9 | 2,700 | |
400 | 21 | 8,400 | 12 | 4,800 | 9 | 3,600 | |
600 | 36 | 21,600 | 19 | 11,400 | 17 | 10,200 | |
1,000 | 14 | 14,000 | 5 | 5,000 | 9 | 9,000 | |
1,200 | 47 | 56,400 | 11 | 13,200 | 36 | 43,200 | |
360 | 17 | 6,120 | 13 | 4,680 | 4 | 1,440 | |
Total | 234 | 130,020 | 138 | 57,480 | 96 | 72,540 |
Raleigh Region (Alan) Events | North Carolinians * | others | |||||
Distance | Circuits | kms | Circuits | kms | Circuits | kms | |
100 | 12 | 1,200 | 11 | 1,100 | 1 | 100 | |
200 | 44 | 8,800 | 40 | 8,000 | 4 | 800 | |
300 | 25 | 7,500 | 22 | 6,600 | 3 | 900 | |
400 | 23 | 9,200 | 19 | 7,600 | 4 | 1,600 | |
600 | 20 | 12,000 | 13 | 7,800 | 7 | 4,200 | |
1,000 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | |
1,200 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | |
360 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | |
Total | 124 | 38,700 | 105 | 31,100 | 19 | 7,600 |
Total NC Events | North Carolinians * | others | |||||
Distance | Circuits | kms | Circuits | kms | Circuits | kms | |
100 | 13 | 1,300 | 12 | 1,200 | 1 | 100 | |
200 | 104 | 20,800 | 88 | 17,600 | 16 | 3,200 | |
300 | 63 | 18,900 | 51 | 15,300 | 12 | 3,600 | |
400 | 44 | 17,600 | 31 | 12,400 | 13 | 5,200 | |
600 | 56 | 33,600 | 32 | 19,200 | 24 | 14,400 | |
1,000 | 14 | 14,000 | 5 | 5,000 | 9 | 9,000 | |
1,200 | 47 | 56,400 | 11 | 13,200 | 36 | 43,200 | |
360 | 17 | 6,120 | 13 | 4,680 | 4 | 1,440 | |
Total | 358 | 168,720 | 243 | 88,580 | 115 | 80,140 | |
* all nonmembers are assumed to be from NC |
As noted above, much / most of the above were prepared for the NC year-end rando party, and I just didn't want the work to go totally unused.
A footnote of sorts: except for the two 100-km RUSA Populaires, all brevets were ACP events.
It will be a surprise to no one familiar with NC brevets and randonneurs to learn that the five individuals that completed the most kilometers during NC brevets in 2013 were: (1) Joel, (2) MaryF, (3) Ed, (4) TomF, (5) Turbo Tim.
Well, some might be surprised that Ed makes that list. After all, his club on the RUSA site indicates Atlanta Audax, and he lives in South Carolina, or New York, one of those, maybe both.
Tuesday, December 3, 2013
Super Randonneurs
Every year, several hundred RUSA members complete a Super Randonneur (SR) series.
200, 300, 400, 600 kilometers.
You may be wondering how many. If so, see the chart immediately below:
You can find the definitions of "ACP SR" and "PBP Qualifying SR" on the RUSA website.
Although the information did not make the party-presentation, in preparation for the North Carolina 2013 Year-End Rando Party, some stats on North Carolina SR's by year were extracted from the RUSA website. With just a little bit of fiddling, the number of "PBP SR's" for the recent years are:
[To see estimated SR's for each state, click-here.]
The above charts (and potentially the one below) do not include those that earned a "RUSA SR" instead of an ACP or PBP-Qualifying SR, but only because such information is not readily available from the RUSA website -- at least it is not readily available if you have my limited data extract skills. The definition of "RUSA SR" can be found on the RUSA website. [Note that the NC-2010-rookie SR count in 2013 does NOT include our fellow classmate JohnO as he now resides in Florida.]
Twenty to thirty people -- that's a "crowd" I can relate to. I might even know all the recent NC SR's.
You may notice that 4 people identify themselves in RUSA data as being members of clubs outside of North Carolina. I've adjusted to include them as being North Carolina residents.
Turns out I do know 20 of those 21 people. The only one I haven't ever met is RUSA #3866, JeffS. Those that were at the NC-Year-End Party, and heard the introduction of the "Comeback of the Year" recipient (in abstentia), may appreciate that little tidbit.
There are 4 "Rookies of the Year" on that list above.
I recall there are 4 "Randonneurs / Randonneuses of the Year."
- I recall Mary has been Randonneuse twice.
I recall there are 2 "Volunteers of the Year" on the above list.
There's also at least one recipient of the "Adrian Hands Spirit Award" on that list.
Do you know who those award recipients are?
[Since this is a post about North Carolinians that earned an SR recently, and also giving mention to the NC-Year-End-Rando-Pary Awardees, I'll not mention any former or current RUSA Board responsibilities of one person on the above list. He's already obliquely referenced as one of the Volunteers and also one of the Randonneurs of the Year.]
200, 300, 400, 600 kilometers.
You may be wondering how many. If so, see the chart immediately below:
Year | ACP SR | PBP SR | |
1998 | 0 | 0 | |
1999 | 412 | 417 | |
2000 | 82 | 84 | |
2001 | 162 | 163 | |
2002 | 189 | 195 | |
2003 | 566 | 578 | PBP year |
2004 | 178 | 184 | |
2005 | 262 | 265 | |
2006 | 312 | 323 | |
2007 | 803 | 813 | PBP year |
2008 | 212 | 221 | |
2009 | 386 | 394 | |
2010 | 576 | 588 | |
2011 | 714 | 727 | PBP year |
2012 | 369 | 380 | |
2013 | 391 | 407 |
You can find the definitions of "ACP SR" and "PBP Qualifying SR" on the RUSA website.
Although the information did not make the party-presentation, in preparation for the North Carolina 2013 Year-End Rando Party, some stats on North Carolina SR's by year were extracted from the RUSA website. With just a little bit of fiddling, the number of "PBP SR's" for the recent years are:
Club / State | 2006 | 2007 | 2008 | 2009 | 2010 | 2011 | 2012 | 2013 | |
NC-2010-rookies | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 8 | 7 | 5 | 6 | |
other NC | 12 | 29 | 8 | 10 | 19 | 24 | 13 | 15 | |
33 | NC Total | 12 | 29 | 8 | 10 | 27 | 31 | 18 | 21 |
All RUSA Members | 323 | 813 | 221 | 394 | 588 | 727 | 380 | 407 |
[To see estimated SR's for each state, click-here.]
The above charts (and potentially the one below) do not include those that earned a "RUSA SR" instead of an ACP or PBP-Qualifying SR, but only because such information is not readily available from the RUSA website -- at least it is not readily available if you have my limited data extract skills. The definition of "RUSA SR" can be found on the RUSA website. [Note that the NC-2010-rookie SR count in 2013 does NOT include our fellow classmate JohnO as he now resides in Florida.]
Twenty to thirty people -- that's a "crowd" I can relate to. I might even know all the recent NC SR's.
ACP & PBP-qualifying Super Randonneur award in 2013 (website doesn't provide RUSA SRs) | |||
1 | 6628 | B__, Robert D | Randonneurs USA / 933095 |
2 | 5843 | B__, Bob | Randonneurs USA / 933095 |
3 | 4015 | C__, Richard G | North Carolina Bicycle Club / 933045 |
4 | 1609 | D__, Michael J | North Carolina Bicycle Club / 933045 |
5 | 7794 | D__, Thomas Lee | Randonneurs USA / 933095 |
6 | 1484 | E__, John | Blue Ridge Bicycle Club / 940004 |
7 | 3459 | F__, Mary J | Freewheelers of Spartanburg / 940046 |
8 | 3458 | F__, Thomas F | Freewheelers of Spartanburg / 940046 |
9 | 7196 | F__, Janet | Houston Randonneurs / 943030 |
10 | 6176 | H__, Ian Page | North Carolina Bicycle Club / 933045 |
11 | 7069 | H__, Luke | Randonneurs USA / 933095 |
12 | 6169 | H__, Michael A | North Carolina Bicycle Club / 933045 |
13 | 692 | L__, Joel | North Carolina Bicycle Club / 933045 |
14 | 6016 | L__, Tim | North Carolina Bicycle Club / 933045 |
15 | 621 | M__, Byron E | North Carolina Bicycle Club / 933045 |
16 | 3525 | P__, Jerry L | North Carolina Bicycle Club / 933045 |
17 | 5746 | R__, Bryan | North Carolina Bicycle Club / 933045 |
18 | 6985 | R__, Richard A | Cape Fear Cyclists / 933040 |
19 | 6218 | S__, Martin | Randonneurs USA / 933095 |
20 | 5350 | S__, Geof | North Carolina Bicycle Club / 933045 |
21 | 3866 | S__, Jeff L | Randonneurs USA / 933095 |
You may notice that 4 people identify themselves in RUSA data as being members of clubs outside of North Carolina. I've adjusted to include them as being North Carolina residents.
Turns out I do know 20 of those 21 people. The only one I haven't ever met is RUSA #3866, JeffS. Those that were at the NC-Year-End Party, and heard the introduction of the "Comeback of the Year" recipient (in abstentia), may appreciate that little tidbit.
There are 4 "Rookies of the Year" on that list above.
I recall there are 4 "Randonneurs / Randonneuses of the Year."
- I recall Mary has been Randonneuse twice.
I recall there are 2 "Volunteers of the Year" on the above list.
There's also at least one recipient of the "Adrian Hands Spirit Award" on that list.
Do you know who those award recipients are?
[Since this is a post about North Carolinians that earned an SR recently, and also giving mention to the NC-Year-End-Rando-Pary Awardees, I'll not mention any former or current RUSA Board responsibilities of one person on the above list. He's already obliquely referenced as one of the Volunteers and also one of the Randonneurs of the Year.]
Monday, December 2, 2013
Nov-29: We kept our Bunns Warm
Biker Bob and I did the 108-km Bunn Warmer perm-pop on Black Friday.
[Btw, the climbing est. on the RUSA website is based on a TrimbleOutdoors map;
You likely know that means the climbing is much more than the indicated 1766 ft.
RWGPS comes up with ~ 3570 ft. -- and you likely know that is a high estimate.]
We were somewhat concerned that there might be significant traffic on Buffalo Rd in the afternoon.
Amazingly, there seemed to be less traffic on that road than I've ever previously experienced.
But that is getting ahead of the story.
Turbo had sent a bailing-out, due to severe a migraine headache, email late Thursday;
However, neither Bob nor I picked up the email until after the ride on Friday.
We waited an extra 10-minutes before starting, but
As it was chilly even in the bright sunshine, we decided to start sans Tim.
(As noted above, we later learned that not waiting for Tim was a good thing.)
At 0910 to 0920, there was almost no traffic on Peace Street, and
We made pretty good time getting out of downtown.
However, no matter how you slice it, there are several stop-lights likely to be red.
And there are also a couple inconveniently located stop-signs.
For example, one stop-signs half-way down a non-trivial decline.
Oh, well -- the price of starting downtown.
After clearing downtown, we kept up a steady though not hurrying pace.
Mostly into the N by NE breeze.
It wasn't a bad headwind, but we got a reminder every "true" north section.
It was also noticeable even on the "true" east Fowler Rd decline.
It wasn't a bad headwind, but I found myself waiting to drink
Instead of drinking while pedaling into the breeze.
Finally, I reminded myself that not-drinking is a good way to get dehydrated.
We arrived at the Bunn Subway at 1145.
2 hours, 35 minutes of actual elapsed time, into the breeze.
Not bad.
Not cold.
But we were looking forward to sitting for a bit in the Subway.
We were also looking forward to the tail-breeze on the return.
Time got away from us as we leisurely ate our respective lunches,
Chatting about topics narrow and wide, near and far, ... who can recall what we chatted about?
Anyway, it was nearly 1230 when we got the return leg underway.
We were riding faster than the actual breeze,
So we had an apparent headwind most of the way back.
However, it was easier pedaling on the return than it had been on the outbound.
After all, the breeze was actually at our backs.
And the sun was higher, and the temps were a bit warmer,
And we took advantage of the lightly traveled rural roads to continue our chats.
Just don't ask what we chatted about.
As I have no recollection of any of the details.
I did make sure to twist my head to the north and to the south,
To take in the respective vistas to either side of Fowler Rd,
Sorry, no photos.
But the vistas are nice enough (if you aren't so foolish as to try to compare them to mountains or such).
We thought we were short-stopping the Wake Xpress control,
Some 15 miles before the end.
But ... I'm not sure.
There was more construction at the Buddhist Temple "complex" on whatever road that is.
Looks like a real temple is being constructed.
Larger than the small addition on the side of the house that used to be the main dwelling there.
Also seemed like there were more pure white statues than before.
Sorry, no photos.
Surprisingly, I found the last two climbs on Forestville(?) Rd to be trivial.
Usually, they knock me back.
Soon, we were sliding past the back side of the cemetary --
I really ought to take the trouble to get the name, it of historical importance in Raleigh --
And traversing downtown Raleigh.
To avoid possible heavy traffic, the route winds about to get across downtown.
Traffic lights in downtown Raleigh seem designed for quick north-south car passage,
Not so much for east-west traffic.
Except on Peace Street -- and that might not be such a good idea in the afternoon.
Due to winding around, we got to cycle a bit on three of the four original Raleigh boundary streets:
East Street,
North Street,
West Street.
Interesingly, traffic seemed light until we reached Cameron Village,
The first shopping center in Raleigh (late 40's or early 50's), and
Also, the end of our ride.
Bob and I had an excellent time.
But not an adventure, and not fast.
Our story, to which we will be sticking, is that Bob was saving something for a 200 perm on Saturday.
Bunn Warmer 108-km perm-pop; 67.9 m.; 4h48 in-motion; 14.1 mph, elapsed time: 6h15.
Q-1 tot: _11 rides; _940.3 m; _64h42; 14.5 mph; 1275 RUSA kms.
Q-2 tot: _18 rides; 2293.9 m; 158h18; 14.5 mph; 3142 RUSA kms.
Q-3 tot: _19 rides; 2027.8 m; 134h34; 15.1 mph; 2383 RUSA kms.
Oct tot: __3 rides; _366.6 m; _24h16; 15.1 mph; _348 RUSA kms.
Nov tot: __5 rides; _482.3 m; _33h11; 14.5 mph; _724 RUSA kms.
YTD tot: _56 rides; 6110.9 m; 415h14; 14.7 mph; 7872 RUSA kms.
I don't like it when I fail to post a ride until the following month. Two "failures" at the end of November.
[Btw, the climbing est. on the RUSA website is based on a TrimbleOutdoors map;
You likely know that means the climbing is much more than the indicated 1766 ft.
RWGPS comes up with ~ 3570 ft. -- and you likely know that is a high estimate.]
We were somewhat concerned that there might be significant traffic on Buffalo Rd in the afternoon.
Amazingly, there seemed to be less traffic on that road than I've ever previously experienced.
But that is getting ahead of the story.
Turbo had sent a bailing-out, due to severe a migraine headache, email late Thursday;
However, neither Bob nor I picked up the email until after the ride on Friday.
We waited an extra 10-minutes before starting, but
As it was chilly even in the bright sunshine, we decided to start sans Tim.
(As noted above, we later learned that not waiting for Tim was a good thing.)
At 0910 to 0920, there was almost no traffic on Peace Street, and
We made pretty good time getting out of downtown.
However, no matter how you slice it, there are several stop-lights likely to be red.
And there are also a couple inconveniently located stop-signs.
For example, one stop-signs half-way down a non-trivial decline.
Oh, well -- the price of starting downtown.
After clearing downtown, we kept up a steady though not hurrying pace.
Mostly into the N by NE breeze.
It wasn't a bad headwind, but we got a reminder every "true" north section.
It was also noticeable even on the "true" east Fowler Rd decline.
It wasn't a bad headwind, but I found myself waiting to drink
Instead of drinking while pedaling into the breeze.
Finally, I reminded myself that not-drinking is a good way to get dehydrated.
We arrived at the Bunn Subway at 1145.
2 hours, 35 minutes of actual elapsed time, into the breeze.
Not bad.
Not cold.
But we were looking forward to sitting for a bit in the Subway.
We were also looking forward to the tail-breeze on the return.
Time got away from us as we leisurely ate our respective lunches,
Chatting about topics narrow and wide, near and far, ... who can recall what we chatted about?
Anyway, it was nearly 1230 when we got the return leg underway.
We were riding faster than the actual breeze,
So we had an apparent headwind most of the way back.
However, it was easier pedaling on the return than it had been on the outbound.
After all, the breeze was actually at our backs.
And the sun was higher, and the temps were a bit warmer,
And we took advantage of the lightly traveled rural roads to continue our chats.
Just don't ask what we chatted about.
As I have no recollection of any of the details.
I did make sure to twist my head to the north and to the south,
To take in the respective vistas to either side of Fowler Rd,
Sorry, no photos.
But the vistas are nice enough (if you aren't so foolish as to try to compare them to mountains or such).
We thought we were short-stopping the Wake Xpress control,
Some 15 miles before the end.
But ... I'm not sure.
There was more construction at the Buddhist Temple "complex" on whatever road that is.
Looks like a real temple is being constructed.
Larger than the small addition on the side of the house that used to be the main dwelling there.
Also seemed like there were more pure white statues than before.
Sorry, no photos.
Surprisingly, I found the last two climbs on Forestville(?) Rd to be trivial.
Usually, they knock me back.
Soon, we were sliding past the back side of the cemetary --
I really ought to take the trouble to get the name, it of historical importance in Raleigh --
And traversing downtown Raleigh.
To avoid possible heavy traffic, the route winds about to get across downtown.
Traffic lights in downtown Raleigh seem designed for quick north-south car passage,
Not so much for east-west traffic.
Except on Peace Street -- and that might not be such a good idea in the afternoon.
Due to winding around, we got to cycle a bit on three of the four original Raleigh boundary streets:
East Street,
North Street,
West Street.
Interesingly, traffic seemed light until we reached Cameron Village,
The first shopping center in Raleigh (late 40's or early 50's), and
Also, the end of our ride.
Bob and I had an excellent time.
But not an adventure, and not fast.
Our story, to which we will be sticking, is that Bob was saving something for a 200 perm on Saturday.
Bunn Warmer 108-km perm-pop; 67.9 m.; 4h48 in-motion; 14.1 mph, elapsed time: 6h15.
Q-1 tot: _11 rides; _940.3 m; _64h42; 14.5 mph; 1275 RUSA kms.
Q-2 tot: _18 rides; 2293.9 m; 158h18; 14.5 mph; 3142 RUSA kms.
Q-3 tot: _19 rides; 2027.8 m; 134h34; 15.1 mph; 2383 RUSA kms.
Oct tot: __3 rides; _366.6 m; _24h16; 15.1 mph; _348 RUSA kms.
Nov tot: __5 rides; _482.3 m; _33h11; 14.5 mph; _724 RUSA kms.
YTD tot: _56 rides; 6110.9 m; 415h14; 14.7 mph; 7872 RUSA kms.
I don't like it when I fail to post a ride until the following month. Two "failures" at the end of November.
Sunday, December 1, 2013
Nov-23: Hauling To the Year-End Party
This was the fifth year there has been a NC Rando Year-End Party.
Due to ... stuff ... we once again ended up doing Permanents for the rides,
Instead of the preferred Brevet type events.
As in each previous year, there were two pre-party ride options:
1. A 200 (or a bit more) km option:
I understand that the 200k option, the new "Old Liberty," was well liked.
Even Byron, who took a non-trivial, but not disasterous, hit from a dog, liked the course.
2. A 100 (or a bit more) km option:
The relatively new "Saxapahaw Haul" was also well received.
I did the "Haul" so that, borrowing from and paraphrasing rando BobB,
I would get back before the party started.
Downtown Durham start.
Then through, or at least past, part of the Duke University campus.
Then NC-751 to Old-NC-10 to some "cut-over" road to US-70 and
Into Hillsborough for the first control.
I knew where I was most of the first leg due to a prior life as a runner.
(That's where the "run" part of my "handle" comes from.)
Lost contact with the lead group on the gradual net incline on 751.
Good part of that -- I met rando TeddyS.
Teddy and I arrived at the Hillsborough control at the same time as the fast-crew.
Turns out they had missed some turns and acquired some bonus kilometers.
I wanted to sneak out while the fast-crew was feasting.
However, it seemed most of them were ready to leave when I was.
I lost contact with the lead group on whatever-was-the-name of that road;
And when I lost sight of Turbo Tim, who was actually off the back of the lead pack,
I sat up to soft-pedal and wait for some better-suited ride partners.
That eventually led to doing most of the second leg with rando BobB.
As usual, it was good riding with BobB.
BobB knew where we were and when to make the turns.
(Often, it is the other way 'round.)
Bob and I weren't dallying, but we also did not hammer ourselves into the ground fighting the headwind.
Instead, Bob indicated where the Haul intersected and shared roads with his new Perm-Pop:
The "Ala Orange."
My advice on the day:
If you don't know where you are, or where you're going,
Or what to expect over the hill or around the bend --
Ride with a similar-paced friend that does know.
Bob led us unerringly to the General Store in Saxapahaw.
(His "Ala Orange" also uses the General Store for a control.)
We short-stopped the control and were first to be back on the road.
Well ... I type that we short-stopped the control,
But is was more like the fast-crew was intent on setting a record on the day.
A record for most time spent at controls, that is.
Bob led us out of Saxapahaw, and we had a pretty good ride back toward Hillsborough.
We weren't pressing our pace, but still,
Fast-dudes MikeD, Branson and JohnM didn't catch us until about a mile
Before the penultimate control (again in Hillsborough).
During the minutes it took to get a receipt and consume ... whatever,
Most of the other riders arrived, and
The fast-crew appeared to settle in again for serious picnic al fresco.
I wanted to get going before my legs tightened up.
Bob was of a similar mind.
So we left Hillsborough to retrace our path to Durham.
Interestingly, Ricochet Robert and Turbo Tim left with us.
Each of them may have been a bit tired-out from chasing the fast-dudes, and
Were looking for a more rational pace?
Once back on Old-NC-10, I once again "felt the music in me,"
As I channeled memories of too many training and fun runs and races
Through Duke Forest to recount, or count.
I may have been feeling a bit too much music,
As I had an interesting encounter with the traffic circle at 751 and Erwin Rd.
I'll just note that I was lucky that the curbing on the traffic circle
Was / Is designed to allow large truck to ride up, over, and down the "road furniture"
Without damaging their tires.
You can't tell it from looking at the official finish time on the RUSA website,
But semi-short-stopping the last control while others settled in to feast,
Robert, Tim, Bob and I managed to maintain our "breakaway" all the way to the finish.
Saxapahaw Haul 103-km perm-pop; 64.3 m.; 4h17 in-motion; 15.0 mph, elapsed time: 5h13.
Q-1 tot: _11 rides; _940.3 m; _64h42; 14.5 mph; 1275 RUSA kms.
Q-2 tot: _18 rides; 2293.9 m; 158h18; 14.5 mph; 3142 RUSA kms.
Q-3 tot: _19 rides; 2027.8 m; 134h34; 15.1 mph; 2383 RUSA kms.
Oct tot: __3 rides; _366.6 m; _24h16; 15.1 mph; _348 RUSA kms.
Nov tot: __4 rides; _414.4 m; _28h22; 14.6 mph; _616 RUSA kms.
YTD tot: _55 rides; 6043.0 m; 410h15; 14.7 mph; 7764 RUSA kms.
Of more interest may be the party and award recipients. However, this post already seemed over-long, so maybe the party will be addressed in another post, or on a different blog. After all, we haven't had an overall "NC Randonneurs" website (or blog) since the demise of the dot-com site more than a year ago.
Due to ... stuff ... we once again ended up doing Permanents for the rides,
Instead of the preferred Brevet type events.
As in each previous year, there were two pre-party ride options:
1. A 200 (or a bit more) km option:
I understand that the 200k option, the new "Old Liberty," was well liked.
Even Byron, who took a non-trivial, but not disasterous, hit from a dog, liked the course.
2. A 100 (or a bit more) km option:
The relatively new "Saxapahaw Haul" was also well received.
I did the "Haul" so that, borrowing from and paraphrasing rando BobB,
I would get back before the party started.
![]() |
I still recall Robert exclaiming, in the Fall of 2010, "hey, I've never ridden through leaves before!" The above was taken before the start of the "Saxapahaw Haul." Obviously, there were plenty of leaves about. [Photo courtesy of Biker BobB.] |
Downtown Durham start.
Then through, or at least past, part of the Duke University campus.
Then NC-751 to Old-NC-10 to some "cut-over" road to US-70 and
Into Hillsborough for the first control.
I knew where I was most of the first leg due to a prior life as a runner.
(That's where the "run" part of my "handle" comes from.)
Lost contact with the lead group on the gradual net incline on 751.
Good part of that -- I met rando TeddyS.
Teddy and I arrived at the Hillsborough control at the same time as the fast-crew.
Turns out they had missed some turns and acquired some bonus kilometers.
I wanted to sneak out while the fast-crew was feasting.
However, it seemed most of them were ready to leave when I was.
I lost contact with the lead group on whatever-was-the-name of that road;
And when I lost sight of Turbo Tim, who was actually off the back of the lead pack,
I sat up to soft-pedal and wait for some better-suited ride partners.
That eventually led to doing most of the second leg with rando BobB.
As usual, it was good riding with BobB.
BobB knew where we were and when to make the turns.
(Often, it is the other way 'round.)
Bob and I weren't dallying, but we also did not hammer ourselves into the ground fighting the headwind.
Instead, Bob indicated where the Haul intersected and shared roads with his new Perm-Pop:
The "Ala Orange."
My advice on the day:
If you don't know where you are, or where you're going,
Or what to expect over the hill or around the bend --
Ride with a similar-paced friend that does know.
Bob led us unerringly to the General Store in Saxapahaw.
(His "Ala Orange" also uses the General Store for a control.)
We short-stopped the control and were first to be back on the road.
Well ... I type that we short-stopped the control,
But is was more like the fast-crew was intent on setting a record on the day.
A record for most time spent at controls, that is.
Bob led us out of Saxapahaw, and we had a pretty good ride back toward Hillsborough.
We weren't pressing our pace, but still,
Fast-dudes MikeD, Branson and JohnM didn't catch us until about a mile
Before the penultimate control (again in Hillsborough).
During the minutes it took to get a receipt and consume ... whatever,
Most of the other riders arrived, and
The fast-crew appeared to settle in again for serious picnic al fresco.
I wanted to get going before my legs tightened up.
Bob was of a similar mind.
So we left Hillsborough to retrace our path to Durham.
Interestingly, Ricochet Robert and Turbo Tim left with us.
Each of them may have been a bit tired-out from chasing the fast-dudes, and
Were looking for a more rational pace?
Once back on Old-NC-10, I once again "felt the music in me,"
As I channeled memories of too many training and fun runs and races
Through Duke Forest to recount, or count.
I may have been feeling a bit too much music,
As I had an interesting encounter with the traffic circle at 751 and Erwin Rd.
I'll just note that I was lucky that the curbing on the traffic circle
Was / Is designed to allow large truck to ride up, over, and down the "road furniture"
Without damaging their tires.
You can't tell it from looking at the official finish time on the RUSA website,
But semi-short-stopping the last control while others settled in to feast,
Robert, Tim, Bob and I managed to maintain our "breakaway" all the way to the finish.
![]() |
Fin of the party-pop. Also site of the party a few hours later. [Photo courtesy of Biker BobB.] |
Saxapahaw Haul 103-km perm-pop; 64.3 m.; 4h17 in-motion; 15.0 mph, elapsed time: 5h13.
Q-1 tot: _11 rides; _940.3 m; _64h42; 14.5 mph; 1275 RUSA kms.
Q-2 tot: _18 rides; 2293.9 m; 158h18; 14.5 mph; 3142 RUSA kms.
Q-3 tot: _19 rides; 2027.8 m; 134h34; 15.1 mph; 2383 RUSA kms.
Oct tot: __3 rides; _366.6 m; _24h16; 15.1 mph; _348 RUSA kms.
Nov tot: __4 rides; _414.4 m; _28h22; 14.6 mph; _616 RUSA kms.
YTD tot: _55 rides; 6043.0 m; 410h15; 14.7 mph; 7764 RUSA kms.
Of more interest may be the party and award recipients. However, this post already seemed over-long, so maybe the party will be addressed in another post, or on a different blog. After all, we haven't had an overall "NC Randonneurs" website (or blog) since the demise of the dot-com site more than a year ago.
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