Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Remember: Safety first

Things that were recalled to me over the last couple weeks:
  1. If you are in a group or line, and drop a bottle, do NOT stop! Continue riding; check the traffic; when safe, pull out of line; when safe, pull a U-turn and go back to look for / retrieve the bottle.
  2. If you are in a group or line, and someone ahead of you drops a bottle, do NOT stop! Even if the bottle hits you or your bike, do NOT stop! (Exceptions: if the bottle gets caught in your spokes, well, you will stop regardless of your intentions, and let's hope nothing more than scrapes and bruises result; if the bottle manages to knock your chain off the chainring, yell out that you have dropped a chain and COAST to a stop -- don't suddenly BRAKE.)
  3. If you are riding behind someone, and want to go up to ride alongside and chat, CHECK for traffic behind you first.
  4. If you suddenly decide to change your route and make a LEFT turn, CHECK for traffic first. Do NOT just swing into the turn!

Given that the author did one of the above, probably the most dangerous of the list, this list and subsequent pre-ride "pep" talks should be understood to be directed at the author as much as anyone.

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