+ a Little Mountain Road
Quite a bit warmer than last time I did this route.
I think Lee indicated that he had done this route more recently than that.
Robert decided that the smart PBP-training thing to do was to take the Robert's Chapel Rd cut-off.
Rando buddy Biker Bob joined us from over Graham way.
He had indicated that the Burlington Cycling Club wouldn't ride until at least 9 am.
Yuk! Too hot to wait that long to ride.
I'd actually picked the route on Thursday,
Just after Bob had contacted me about joining the Irregulars ride (if we were riding early).
I figured that there was a good chance that the whole route would be "new roads" for Bob.
I think I recall that he confirmed that guess.
We crossed paths with Gary on Range Road.
He was doing mech-support of a charity ride that seemed to traverse most of Granville County.
We saw several cyclists headed north on Range Road as we headed south.
All seemed to be smiling.
Good roads for cycling in Granville County.
And before 10:30, the heat wasn't too bad.
Hopefully, Olie, who we had also seen on Range Road, didn't have too much SAG business today.
I didn't notice as much in the way of flora and fauna as I might have.
My Left shoulder and elbow were driving me nuts with ache.
They are a bit better now ... I've taken something for the muscle inflamation.
Bob and I got separated from Lee before / in Creedmoor.
He waited for as at the BP.
Bob and I stopped at Southern States.
These things happen.
We all finished our rides in comfortable style.
Maybe next time Bob drops in from Graham a few more Irregulars will be on the ride.
Short post, without much of a story, but
It is my story, and I'm sticking to it.
--> PUE: Range Road Rover + a Little Mountain Rd --> ; 79.0 m.; est. 5h,02m in-motion; 15.7 mph.
... mostly about cycling, maybe mostly randonneuring, mostly near Raleigh, NC.
Saturday, July 30, 2011
Wednesday, July 27, 2011
Jul-26: Get 'Er Dunn Perm Pop
Dean asked if I wanted / could ride again Tuesday morning.
Looking ahead ... I decided to accompany Dean.
No rain.
But so humid that I was wetter within a few miles
Than I had been even after the rain shower of the day before.
The humidity re-dampened my cycle confuser connections.
I knew what time it was the entire ride,
But never our speed or how far we'd ridden.
After 10 -- I think it is 10 -- trips on the route, I don't worry about the distances, etc..
Deaner, having done the route about 65 times ... is really good at spotting unique flora and fauna.
Speaking of flora and fauna ...
Dean spotted a blue heron rising from a newly created pond.
And each of us noted the proliferation of lotus flowers in a particular garden pond.
Ought to be in fine form for the usual Sunday excursion.
Get 'Er Dunn 102km Perm Populaire; 65.2 m.; est. 4h,20m in-motion; 15.0 mph; rando elapsed-clock time: 4h,50m.
Looking ahead ... I decided to accompany Dean.
No rain.
But so humid that I was wetter within a few miles
Than I had been even after the rain shower of the day before.
The humidity re-dampened my cycle confuser connections.
I knew what time it was the entire ride,
But never our speed or how far we'd ridden.
After 10 -- I think it is 10 -- trips on the route, I don't worry about the distances, etc..
Deaner, having done the route about 65 times ... is really good at spotting unique flora and fauna.
Speaking of flora and fauna ...
Dean spotted a blue heron rising from a newly created pond.
And each of us noted the proliferation of lotus flowers in a particular garden pond.
Ought to be in fine form for the usual Sunday excursion.
Get 'Er Dunn 102km Perm Populaire; 65.2 m.; est. 4h,20m in-motion; 15.0 mph; rando elapsed-clock time: 4h,50m.
Monday, July 25, 2011
Jul-25: Get 'Er Dunn Perm Pop
50 x 17 faux single-speed the entire ride.
It was definitely a workout.
Dry when I started.
But within 5 miles, the roads were wet.
Within 6 miles, I was being rained upon.
At six-and-a-half miles, the cycle confuser stopped recording ... until the last third of the ride.
Obviously, the contacts were wet.
Before I got to Piney Grove Rd (about 10 miles into the ride), the road was bone dry.
Such is the norm with showers and thunder-storms in central North Carolina.
Got to the turn-around control in Dunn 2 hours after the start.
Tried to be reasonably quick, without over-doing it, at the controls.
Had to take an extra 3-minute break on Jackson King Rd.
Had to wait a minute or two before I could cross NC-42 near the end of the ride.
Estimated the time-in-motion based on when I arrived and then left the controls
And the impromptu stop on Jackson King Rd
And the stop light at NC-42.
The three lotus(es) in the garden pond appeared to be
Blue-purple, and
As hard as I thought I worked, I expected to see a faster moving avg pace. Hmmn.
Perhaps the developing heat got to me.
Get 'Er Dunn 102km Perm Populaire; 65.2 m.; 3h,54m in-motion; 16.7 mph; rando elapsed-clock time: 4h,28m.
If back-to-back 200 km rides make a double-double,
And back-to-back-to-back 200 km rides make a triple-double,
Does back-to-back 100 km rides make a double-single?
50 x 17 faux single-speed the entire ride.
It was definitely a workout.
Dry when I started.
But within 5 miles, the roads were wet.
Within 6 miles, I was being rained upon.
At six-and-a-half miles, the cycle confuser stopped recording ... until the last third of the ride.
Obviously, the contacts were wet.
Before I got to Piney Grove Rd (about 10 miles into the ride), the road was bone dry.
Such is the norm with showers and thunder-storms in central North Carolina.
Got to the turn-around control in Dunn 2 hours after the start.
Tried to be reasonably quick, without over-doing it, at the controls.
Had to take an extra 3-minute break on Jackson King Rd.
Had to wait a minute or two before I could cross NC-42 near the end of the ride.
Estimated the time-in-motion based on when I arrived and then left the controls
And the impromptu stop on Jackson King Rd
And the stop light at NC-42.
The three lotus(es) in the garden pond appeared to be
Blue-purple, and
As hard as I thought I worked, I expected to see a faster moving avg pace. Hmmn.
Perhaps the developing heat got to me.
Get 'Er Dunn 102km Perm Populaire; 65.2 m.; 3h,54m in-motion; 16.7 mph; rando elapsed-clock time: 4h,28m.
If back-to-back 200 km rides make a double-double,
And back-to-back-to-back 200 km rides make a triple-double,
Does back-to-back 100 km rides make a double-single?
Sunday, July 24, 2011
Jul-24: Get 'Er Dunn Perm Pop
0600 start.
Janis, Dean, me.
First time ever for Janis to ride back-to-back ANYTHING.
Dean and I were sure she would do well.
Janis away promptly at 0600.
I was a bit delayed.
Dean and I started at about 0608.
That gave Janis a head start.
She likes it when she can start with a lead.
It took us almost 15 miles to catch her.
Then we rode mostly with her.
Sometimes falling behind in order to more easily dig out some food or something.
Dean pointed out the contrast and complimentary nature of the Morning Glories in the ditch
And the cotton plants in the fields with white and pink blossoms.
Janis had pointed out the different color cotton blossoms to me last time I did this route.
I guess all the cotton comes out the same white color,
But I wonder why there are two colors of blossoms.
The heat stayed at bay for our entire trip to Dunn.
Including the one or two block detour to view a bit of Americana.
A Grammar School of the type design that used to be everywhere.
Red bricks and concrete.
Two stories.
Most of those schools of that design / facade have been torn down or abandoned.
I think that building was no longer being used as a school.
The sun continued its relentless rise from the horizon while we were inside the Dunn control.
The heat from Sol was palpably greater when we recommenced riding.
I enjoyed the light breeze from the west while traversing Denim Dr to Erwin.
I'm not sure what Dean and Janis thought.
The breeze seemed to stiffen by the time we left Erwin,
But it was more cooling than blasting.
Clouds developed to protect us from the worst of the sun.
Thanks to Dean for arranging that.
No one needed an extra coat when we got to Coats.
But I made a special stop, a bit off the route.
Here's some advice:
Use the Hess, not the convenience store on the south side of the street across from the Hess.
After having to deal with the plumbing issue,
I thought I might not catch back up to Janis and Dean.
But I rode quickly, and a glance at my watch a few minutes after 1100
Convinced me that I would catch the two of them.
All back together at about 1118.
Dean was nice enough to inform me that he had been concerned enough about me
That he considered sending Janis back to look for me.
What a guy!
Janis reverse dumped us with only about 6 miles to go.
Dean and I finished about 1140.
Janis a few minutes later.
Dean headed for home just before Janis finished.
Janis and I talked about many things,
But not ships (... well ...) nor shoes nor sealing wax.
Then she headed to Dean's (where she had parked),
And I headed back to Raleigh.
All-in-all ... a good ride that beat most of the heat.
And got all three of us closer to personal goals.
Get 'Er Dunn 102km Perm Populaire; 65.2 m.; 4h,34m in-motion; 14.3 mph; rando elapsed-clock time: 5h,40m.
Janis, Dean, me.
First time ever for Janis to ride back-to-back ANYTHING.
Dean and I were sure she would do well.
Janis away promptly at 0600.
I was a bit delayed.
Dean and I started at about 0608.
That gave Janis a head start.
She likes it when she can start with a lead.
It took us almost 15 miles to catch her.
Then we rode mostly with her.
Sometimes falling behind in order to more easily dig out some food or something.
Dean pointed out the contrast and complimentary nature of the Morning Glories in the ditch
And the cotton plants in the fields with white and pink blossoms.
Janis had pointed out the different color cotton blossoms to me last time I did this route.
I guess all the cotton comes out the same white color,
But I wonder why there are two colors of blossoms.
The heat stayed at bay for our entire trip to Dunn.
Including the one or two block detour to view a bit of Americana.
A Grammar School of the type design that used to be everywhere.
Red bricks and concrete.
Two stories.
Most of those schools of that design / facade have been torn down or abandoned.
I think that building was no longer being used as a school.
The sun continued its relentless rise from the horizon while we were inside the Dunn control.
The heat from Sol was palpably greater when we recommenced riding.
I enjoyed the light breeze from the west while traversing Denim Dr to Erwin.
I'm not sure what Dean and Janis thought.
The breeze seemed to stiffen by the time we left Erwin,
But it was more cooling than blasting.
Clouds developed to protect us from the worst of the sun.
Thanks to Dean for arranging that.
No one needed an extra coat when we got to Coats.
But I made a special stop, a bit off the route.
Here's some advice:
Use the Hess, not the convenience store on the south side of the street across from the Hess.
After having to deal with the plumbing issue,
I thought I might not catch back up to Janis and Dean.
But I rode quickly, and a glance at my watch a few minutes after 1100
Convinced me that I would catch the two of them.
All back together at about 1118.
Dean was nice enough to inform me that he had been concerned enough about me
That he considered sending Janis back to look for me.
What a guy!
Janis reverse dumped us with only about 6 miles to go.
Dean and I finished about 1140.
Janis a few minutes later.
Dean headed for home just before Janis finished.
Janis and I talked about many things,
But not ships (... well ...) nor shoes nor sealing wax.
Then she headed to Dean's (where she had parked),
And I headed back to Raleigh.
All-in-all ... a good ride that beat most of the heat.
And got all three of us closer to personal goals.
Get 'Er Dunn 102km Perm Populaire; 65.2 m.; 4h,34m in-motion; 14.3 mph; rando elapsed-clock time: 5h,40m.
Saturday, July 23, 2011
Jul-23: Irregulars no-name 56-miler
0630 start for the "ride-proper".
A couple of us cycled to the ride, so in those cases, our rides started earlier.
Typical Carpenter Pond start.
Smitty performing the role that I usually do early in the ride.
That of keeping the pace reasonable.
I was happy to sit on the back behind Iva.
Who was happy to sit on the back as he had cycled in the West Jefferson area on Friday.
With Tito.
Those 64-year-olds seem to have become mountain-crazy.
Olive Branch Rd appears to have been paved from Carpenter Pond to Doc Nichols.
May have to do some routes in reverse,
To include Olive Branch from the highway to Carpenter Pond.
The 200 foot elevation gain is obvious on Olive Branch.
A stop in Creedmoor at Southern States to refill water bottles with fresh, chilled water.
And some of us visited their very nice and clean rest room.
We left Creedmoor by a seldom-cycled route:
Main Street north to US-15 North.
To Sam Moss Hayes Rd.
Just to be different.
Hester Rd from SMH to NC-56.
Hester freshly re-paved.
No markings yet.
Not even "pre-markings".
Nice line led by Smitty and Lee into Wilton on 56.
Approaching the light, Robert exclaims, "Hey! We were here last week."
He was referring to last Sunday's Kerr Lake Loop Permanent.
Rather than call out the next turn,
I went around and led the four-tenths of a mile to Old Franklinton Rd.
Smitty, Lee and I had a nice ride on that road.
I'm not so sure about Robert and Iva.
Suitt's Store Rd. Serving as the detour from NC-96 for auto traffic.
Smitty, Lee and I reached Kelsey's Western Wear Store, where we cut across the parking lot.
And hammered NC-96 northbound to Wayside Farm Rd.
Just after turning onto Wayside Farm,
We noticed that Robert and Iva were not in tow.
We waited when we got to Bruce Garner Rd.
Lee reminded me that Rob't and Iva might appreciate a rest.
After a goodly rest, we turned on to Bruce Garner Rd.
And Rob't immediately started drifting off the back.
And then, he "reverse dumped" me within about a quarter-mile of where he did same last Sunday.
He actually reverse-dumped all four of us,
But the others were already 100 yards or more up the road.
And riding faster than Rob't and me.
It took me at about three miles to catch the lead threesome.
Nice riding on BG / NL,
Until I decided to up the pace,
To up the overall pace.
We splintered on the Ghoston-Peed-MVC finish.
Smitty in about 15:37 from the bottom of Ghoston to the stop-sign near PUE.
Me in 18:00.
Iva in 19:21.
Lee took the alternate New Light to Pleasant Union Church Rd course.
He must have really slowed down because Iva crossed paths with Lee just outside PUE.
Robert arrived a few minutes later.
Completing his 13-mile "soft-pedal" leaving energy still in his legs for later in the day.
The above is my short story, and I'm sticking to it.
With luck, an embed of Smitty's Garmin follows:
My total stats, including to and from the "ride-proper":
--> PUE: no-name 56-miler (probably never to be repeated) -->; 71.5 m.; 4h,17m in-motion; 16.7 mph.
A couple of us cycled to the ride, so in those cases, our rides started earlier.
Typical Carpenter Pond start.
Smitty performing the role that I usually do early in the ride.
That of keeping the pace reasonable.
I was happy to sit on the back behind Iva.
Who was happy to sit on the back as he had cycled in the West Jefferson area on Friday.
With Tito.
Those 64-year-olds seem to have become mountain-crazy.
Olive Branch Rd appears to have been paved from Carpenter Pond to Doc Nichols.
May have to do some routes in reverse,
To include Olive Branch from the highway to Carpenter Pond.
The 200 foot elevation gain is obvious on Olive Branch.
A stop in Creedmoor at Southern States to refill water bottles with fresh, chilled water.
And some of us visited their very nice and clean rest room.
We left Creedmoor by a seldom-cycled route:
Main Street north to US-15 North.
To Sam Moss Hayes Rd.
Just to be different.
Hester Rd from SMH to NC-56.
Hester freshly re-paved.
No markings yet.
Not even "pre-markings".
Nice line led by Smitty and Lee into Wilton on 56.
Approaching the light, Robert exclaims, "Hey! We were here last week."
He was referring to last Sunday's Kerr Lake Loop Permanent.
Rather than call out the next turn,
I went around and led the four-tenths of a mile to Old Franklinton Rd.
Smitty, Lee and I had a nice ride on that road.
I'm not so sure about Robert and Iva.
Suitt's Store Rd. Serving as the detour from NC-96 for auto traffic.
Smitty, Lee and I reached Kelsey's Western Wear Store, where we cut across the parking lot.
And hammered NC-96 northbound to Wayside Farm Rd.
Just after turning onto Wayside Farm,
We noticed that Robert and Iva were not in tow.
We waited when we got to Bruce Garner Rd.
Lee reminded me that Rob't and Iva might appreciate a rest.
After a goodly rest, we turned on to Bruce Garner Rd.
And Rob't immediately started drifting off the back.
And then, he "reverse dumped" me within about a quarter-mile of where he did same last Sunday.
He actually reverse-dumped all four of us,
But the others were already 100 yards or more up the road.
And riding faster than Rob't and me.
It took me at about three miles to catch the lead threesome.
Nice riding on BG / NL,
Until I decided to up the pace,
To up the overall pace.
We splintered on the Ghoston-Peed-MVC finish.
Smitty in about 15:37 from the bottom of Ghoston to the stop-sign near PUE.
Me in 18:00.
Iva in 19:21.
Lee took the alternate New Light to Pleasant Union Church Rd course.
He must have really slowed down because Iva crossed paths with Lee just outside PUE.
Robert arrived a few minutes later.
Completing his 13-mile "soft-pedal" leaving energy still in his legs for later in the day.
The above is my short story, and I'm sticking to it.
With luck, an embed of Smitty's Garmin follows:
My total stats, including to and from the "ride-proper":
--> PUE: no-name 56-miler (probably never to be repeated) -->; 71.5 m.; 4h,17m in-motion; 16.7 mph.
Tuesday, July 19, 2011
Jul-17: Kerr Lake Loop Perm
With detours.
And a LOT LESS sunshine.
But no Virginia Lake Festival.
Ricochet training for "the big ride" called for a double-double for the weekend.
He did L-L-L on Saturday. Mostly solo.
And he figured KLL with the crew that was forming would be good.
In the end, the only parts of the Sunday KLL crew that materialized were Robert and me.
I'd be getting a double-double entirely on KLL since I did KLL on Saturday.
Same course.
Same detours.
We started a half-hour later.
Under overcast skies (instead of the wondrous sunshine from Saturday).
We got underway about 3 minutes late.
On Saturday, the KLL crew had been prompt.
I don't know about the L-L-L crew,
But with the cast of that crew, I would never bet on even a two minute delay.
Robert and I were each feeling our previous day's effort in our legs.
That's what caused the delay at the start.
That's my story and I'm sticking to it.
We got to the Exxon control only 5 minutes on the clock slower than Saturday.
We weren't doing too badly for tired legs.
Robert commented early in the ride that these double-doubles seem harder than a straight 400.
The 12 hours of rest seemingly making the legs tighter than if one had just kept riding.
Might be a lesson in that comment for "the big ride".
I meant to lube my chain before we started. But forgot.
I meant to lube my chain at the Exxon control. But forgot.
The clatter from the chain finally was too much,
And I pulled over in Drewry to lube the chain.
I could describe that I had to cut the tip off the lube bottle because the hole had closed up.
But instead I'll mention that upon leaving Drewry,
Robert asked how I knew my chain needed lubing.
My answer? "Too much noise."
Robert apparently hadn't noticed.
Probably was only loud enough for me and someone quite close to hear.
Leaving Drewry, about 44 miles into the ride, my legs were finally feeling quite good.
I'm not so sure about Robert's legs.
Feeling good, and with the long, net downslope to the lake,
I let the good times roll.
Including at least two miles in the drops.
Not because of a headwind.
It just felt ... right.
[A pause while some Irregulars get back up from the floor.]
The nice thing about summer permanents is that one is confident that one can finish in daylight.
[Apologies to readers from northern climes.]
In the winter in North Carolina, one needs to watch the time more carefully
In order to be sure to finish before sunset.
[Again, apologies to those from northern climes with real WINTER issues to worry about.]
Upon crossing Kerr Lake Dam, we took a short break at a picnic table
By the Buggs Island Recreational Area.
It was a nice day ... a good time to "smell some roses".
Besides, the sun had come out from behind the clouds and things looked nice again.
Have I ever mentioned that I like Phillis Rd the last few miles into Boydton?
I think Robert thought that I had dropped him because he took out his cue sheet
After he finished consulting a certain statue.
I was watching him from a bench around the corner,
And finally called out to him to let him know where I was.
Re-grouped, we zipped across to Skipwith.
I noticed something in Skipwith I'd never noticed before.
The price of regular gas depends upon which sign one consults.
Easy across to Clarksville, except we hammered down US-15 to the causeway.
Across to the town. No Lake Festival stuff blocking the way.
I like testing myself on the "bluffs" rising from the lake into downtown Clarksville.
I used to dread those same "bluffs".
We took a short pause at the Subway to share a 6-inch sub.
Robert doesn't eat much at any one time.
The tree atop the crest at the North Carolina State Line still looked good.
Just after the state line, that black puppy that was a nuisance in the winter months
Made his first warm-weather appearance.
Or, at least the first I've had to deal with.
Puppy, my shoe -- your head -- you won't like it.
I first rode the section from Grassy Creek to Stovall as part of a "club" 100-miler.
I thought it would never end.
Sunday (and Saturday), that section was just the last 6 of the 14 miles from Clarksville to Stovall.
We took a short break in the gazebo.
Just for the sake of sitting in the gazebo.
No one found any new holes in the ground.
Mountain Road was enticing.
But there was no large family-and-friends gathering on Sunday.
I was a bit slower going up the steep than the day before.
But we hammered (that is a relative term) from the top all the way to Exxon control.
And then zipped on to the finish.
One interesting thing:
Robert reverse-dumped me with six miles to go!
It is as if he has taken lessons from JayJay.
But Robert doesn't even know JayJay.
Kerr Lake Loop 208km Permanent; 134.4 m.; 8h,48m in-motion; 15.3 mph; rando elapsed-clock time: 10h,49m.
And a LOT LESS sunshine.
But no Virginia Lake Festival.
Ricochet training for "the big ride" called for a double-double for the weekend.
He did L-L-L on Saturday. Mostly solo.
And he figured KLL with the crew that was forming would be good.
In the end, the only parts of the Sunday KLL crew that materialized were Robert and me.
I'd be getting a double-double entirely on KLL since I did KLL on Saturday.
Same course.
Same detours.
We started a half-hour later.
Under overcast skies (instead of the wondrous sunshine from Saturday).
We got underway about 3 minutes late.
On Saturday, the KLL crew had been prompt.
I don't know about the L-L-L crew,
But with the cast of that crew, I would never bet on even a two minute delay.
Robert and I were each feeling our previous day's effort in our legs.
That's what caused the delay at the start.
That's my story and I'm sticking to it.
We got to the Exxon control only 5 minutes on the clock slower than Saturday.
We weren't doing too badly for tired legs.
Robert commented early in the ride that these double-doubles seem harder than a straight 400.
The 12 hours of rest seemingly making the legs tighter than if one had just kept riding.
Might be a lesson in that comment for "the big ride".
I meant to lube my chain before we started. But forgot.
I meant to lube my chain at the Exxon control. But forgot.
The clatter from the chain finally was too much,
And I pulled over in Drewry to lube the chain.
I could describe that I had to cut the tip off the lube bottle because the hole had closed up.
But instead I'll mention that upon leaving Drewry,
Robert asked how I knew my chain needed lubing.
My answer? "Too much noise."
Robert apparently hadn't noticed.
Probably was only loud enough for me and someone quite close to hear.
Leaving Drewry, about 44 miles into the ride, my legs were finally feeling quite good.
I'm not so sure about Robert's legs.
Feeling good, and with the long, net downslope to the lake,
I let the good times roll.
Including at least two miles in the drops.
Not because of a headwind.
It just felt ... right.
[A pause while some Irregulars get back up from the floor.]
The nice thing about summer permanents is that one is confident that one can finish in daylight.
[Apologies to readers from northern climes.]
In the winter in North Carolina, one needs to watch the time more carefully
In order to be sure to finish before sunset.
[Again, apologies to those from northern climes with real WINTER issues to worry about.]
Upon crossing Kerr Lake Dam, we took a short break at a picnic table
By the Buggs Island Recreational Area.
It was a nice day ... a good time to "smell some roses".
Besides, the sun had come out from behind the clouds and things looked nice again.
Have I ever mentioned that I like Phillis Rd the last few miles into Boydton?
I think Robert thought that I had dropped him because he took out his cue sheet
After he finished consulting a certain statue.
I was watching him from a bench around the corner,
And finally called out to him to let him know where I was.
Re-grouped, we zipped across to Skipwith.
I noticed something in Skipwith I'd never noticed before.
The price of regular gas depends upon which sign one consults.
Easy across to Clarksville, except we hammered down US-15 to the causeway.
Across to the town. No Lake Festival stuff blocking the way.
I like testing myself on the "bluffs" rising from the lake into downtown Clarksville.
I used to dread those same "bluffs".
We took a short pause at the Subway to share a 6-inch sub.
Robert doesn't eat much at any one time.
The tree atop the crest at the North Carolina State Line still looked good.
Just after the state line, that black puppy that was a nuisance in the winter months
Made his first warm-weather appearance.
Or, at least the first I've had to deal with.
Puppy, my shoe -- your head -- you won't like it.
I first rode the section from Grassy Creek to Stovall as part of a "club" 100-miler.
I thought it would never end.
Sunday (and Saturday), that section was just the last 6 of the 14 miles from Clarksville to Stovall.
We took a short break in the gazebo.
Just for the sake of sitting in the gazebo.
No one found any new holes in the ground.
Mountain Road was enticing.
But there was no large family-and-friends gathering on Sunday.
I was a bit slower going up the steep than the day before.
But we hammered (that is a relative term) from the top all the way to Exxon control.
And then zipped on to the finish.
One interesting thing:
Robert reverse-dumped me with six miles to go!
It is as if he has taken lessons from JayJay.
But Robert doesn't even know JayJay.
Kerr Lake Loop 208km Permanent; 134.4 m.; 8h,48m in-motion; 15.3 mph; rando elapsed-clock time: 10h,49m.
Monday, July 18, 2011
Jul-16: Kerr Lake Loop Perm
With detours.
And the Virginia Lake Festival.
Biker Bob wanted to carefully continue his R-series pursuit.
Why carefully?
Because in late May he encountered not man's best friend.
After extending to R-18 on the flat Tar Heel 200 near the end of June,
Bob chose the smooth riding, not overly hilly Kerr Lake Loop for July and R-19.
I decided to sign on for the ride.
Knowing it would be a much better experience than
The last time Bob and I rode together in July.
(100 F for the high in Raleigh last year; only 89 F for the Raleigh high this ride.)
MikeH originally wanted to ride KLL on Sunday.
But he switched to Saturday.
You'll have to ask him why.
When MikeH was intending to ride KLL on Sunday,
Ricochet and I decided to ride on Sunday.
Ricochet because he is training for "the big ride",
And me, just for the fun of it. Or the kms.
There was some kerfuffle regarding Saturday and Sunday KLL crews.
To help clarify the situation, I called MikeD.
Over the phone, MikeD let slip that Dean would be riding on Sunday.
I'm pretty sure that MikeD didn't know to not let that info out of the bag.
And I wasn't sure I'd heard correctly.
But I decided to not e-mail Dean.
Who had previously decided to not e-mail me.
So ... some Saturday morning surprise remained.
Just not the one Dean intended.
The morning was beautiful.
The 0600 start helped to accentuate the early morning sun and shadows
On the way up to the Virginia state line and Kerr Lake Dam.
But ... there are a couple incidents to mention before the crossing of the state line:
First, just a mile or more into the ride,
Dean and I were riding alongside each other, Bob and MikeH just behind.
I wasn't paying attention to where we were,
When I saw Dean's left hand move to his front brake and give a momentary squeeze.
I looked to my right and confirmed the situation,
Then said, "I saw that!"
Reverse CL-sprint to Dean.
Being on home turf to start the ride,
I suggested a logical and rando-shortest-route-friendly detour
Instead of riding until we found the detour,
Which would have required virtually back-tracking.
Added a short two miles to the course.
During the detour, MikeH mentioned
That he'd forgotten his rubber band to hold his cue sheet holder in place,
And the holder and cue sheet were flopping around.
I urged him to put the cue sheet away and trust me not to let him get lost.
Not pushing the pace, we still got to and then away from the Exxon control
Sooner than I think I've ever managed.
At the control, Dean pointed out that since I'd encouraged everyone to put their cue sheets away,
It was incumbent upon me to wait at turns for the now cue-less.
After leaving that control, Bob pushed the pace up; I kept up with him.
Still enjoying the great morning low sunlight.
(It was not yet 0800.)
After the turn on to Salem Rd, I got concerned that Dean and MikeH had disappeared off our back.
Bob and I pulled over on to the side of Salem Rd, just before Dabney Rd.
I admit an ulterior motive.
I told Bob about the reverse CL-sprints that Dean had been consistently winning from me
On Get 'Er Dunn, Benson Mule Pull and Tar Heel 200 rides.
I also explained about the previous CL that very morning.
When Dean and MikeH were within hailing distance,
I pointed out to Bob how Dean had stopped pedaling just a moment before.
Clearly hoping I'd get back on my bike and lose yet another reverse CL-sprint.
When within talking distance, I said Bob and I would latch on to Dean and Mike's wheels.
Dean was having none of that.
He and MikeH pulled over to wait -- Dean insisting I lead the way.
I gave in. Sorta'.
I made about one or two pedal strokes,
Just enough for Mike and Dean to start to fall into line,
Then I U-turned.
Dean stopped. Mike followed me with his own U-turn.
Laughs enjoyed, I was forced to U-turn and lead the way across the CL into Vance County.
Did I mention that it was a beautiful, picture-postcard type morning and day?
MikeH lamented that he forgot his camera.
Dean also did not bring his.
I don't have one.
I don't know about Bob.
Horses and chickens and cattle and wildlife were abundant.
Possibly including a hawk or two.
Several deer.
Luckily the deer bolted away long before we got close.
Somehow, I was in the lead again when the Warren CL sign came into sight.
Rather than be silly, I hit the pedals for a couple quick, hard strokes
To take the CL and keep the calm, leisurely momentum intact.
That's my story, and I'm sticking to it.
Each MikeH and Dean commented that the store alongside NC BR #1 (our route)
In Warren County is worth stopping to see.
But we didn't do so this ride.
After that store, I managed to get second in line behind Dean.
Mike and Bob behind me in no particular order that I recall.
I stayed behind Dean. I stayed behind Dean. And I stayed behind Dean.
Then ... when the state line came within sight, and within "sprint" distance,
I went around, calling out that the problem with taking the State Line sprint
Is figuring out which sign designated the State Line.
There is a sign for "Welcome to North Carolina", facing opposite the direction we were riding,
And I think there is a sign for Warren County, facing the opposite direction,
And there is a sign for "Welcome to Virginia",
And a sign welcoming to Mecklinburg County in Virginia.
I'm not sure if there is a sign at the actual State Line or not.
I may have to consult an expert on rando CL and State Line sprints.
I wonder when I'll next see Jerry.
The lake, bound up behind the dam, was -- I know it sounds redundant -- a picture postcard.
Deep blue, with a very slight chop.
And a cooling breeze coming off the water.
Even with tired legs, I enjoy the last few miles of Phillis Rd into Boydton.
After that short, steep with the 90-degree "curve" at the top of the steep,
Just where one used to wonder "Who Let the Dogs Out?",
All the way into Boydton is great "popper" riding.
I like it, anyway.
I understood that this ride was the first time that Bob and MikeH had seen a certain statue
In the Boydton Courthouse Square withOUT scaffolding and fencing obscuring the view.
I think all four of us took the opportunity to carefully examine the statue.
Leaving Boydton, I drifted off the front of the other three.
But could hear that they'd struck up a conversation with another cyclist found on the road.
I tried to slow a bit to listen in from afar, but the road beckoned, and I followed.
That, too, is my story, and I'm sticking with it.
"Tobacco-whiskers" at the store in Skipwith recognized me from Jul-04.
I told that this time I had friends following along.
He seemed somewhat pleased with that information.
But he still didn't care to print me a receipt.
("It costs him paper, which is money, to print receipts." That's what MikeH told me, anyway.)
On to Clarksville. At a leisurely pace.
The causeway and bridge across the lake were closed to automobile traffic,
And open to pedestrian traffic to get to the Virginia Lake Festival (or try here).
As there is no other reasonable way to get across to Clarksville, we rode across anyway.
Then, we had to find and wend our way to the other side of Clarksville.
Made more interesting by an 18-wheeler stuck trying to make it around
A very tight residential corner.
Why wasn't that rig on the bypass?
We got lucky arriving when we did at the Subway in Clarksville.
There were only about two other customers when we entered.
But immediately the line behind was 8 or 10 people long,
And the establishment was quite crowed when we left.
The North Carolina State Line on the way to Grassy Creek would make for a great photo.
The road goes up a small climb, and just at the crest,
There is a large tree (I don't know the species) and within arms length of the tree,
The official-looking North Carolina State Line sign.
Across from the tree and sign is a house that is barely within North Carolina.
I've never not seen the Stars-and-Stripes and North Carolina flag flying proudly on that lawn.
Thru Grassy Creek and on toward Stovall.
Bob and Dean dropped Mike and me off their front,
So upon reaching US-15 in Stovall,
I suggested to Mike that we wait for Bob and Dean in the "gazebo",
And perhaps everyone would enjoy a five-minute break before tackling "Stovall Mountain".
I've cycled across that lawn to get to the gazebo many times.
I've pushed my bike across that lawn many times.
Never found a hole.
Bob, however, was unlucky enough to find a quite large hole,
Hidden beneath what appeared to be even grass on a mostly level lawn.
Mostly swallowed his front wheel.
Bob suddenly on the ground and not moving.
Having added new injuries to several fingers and his arm and elbow and maybe his one thigh.
A take-it-leisurely 200k on a scenic and friendly course suddenly soured.
We took considerable extra time sitting in the gazebo.
Chatting away. Playing for extra "calm collection" time for Bob.
While chatting, I pointed out to Dean that while KLL is a "north Raleigh" Permanent,
It is not the one that I've been "suggesting" that a true 10K km hound should add to his resume.
After all, this KLL was his 14th, and his LLL count is stagnant at ... zero.
MikeH and Bob each confirmed that LLL isn't that hard.
If the high temp isn't 100F or nearly so.
Everyone cleared Peace Mountain in style,
And then we finished the route with at least a little panache.
Including retracing the detour.
R-19 for Bob.
Appears to be R-9 for MikeH. But maybe he is not counting.
Looks like R-54 "insurance" for Dean; or maybe 208 kms closer to another goal.
I'll admit to R-12 "insurance" for me; and 208 kms more on the ledger.
Kerr Lake Loop 208km Permanent; 135.0 m.; 8h,53m in-motion; 15.2 mph; rando elapsed-clock time: 11h,48m.
And the Virginia Lake Festival.
Biker Bob wanted to carefully continue his R-series pursuit.
Why carefully?
Because in late May he encountered not man's best friend.
After extending to R-18 on the flat Tar Heel 200 near the end of June,
Bob chose the smooth riding, not overly hilly Kerr Lake Loop for July and R-19.
I decided to sign on for the ride.
Knowing it would be a much better experience than
The last time Bob and I rode together in July.
(100 F for the high in Raleigh last year; only 89 F for the Raleigh high this ride.)
MikeH originally wanted to ride KLL on Sunday.
But he switched to Saturday.
You'll have to ask him why.
When MikeH was intending to ride KLL on Sunday,
Ricochet and I decided to ride on Sunday.
Ricochet because he is training for "the big ride",
And me, just for the fun of it. Or the kms.
There was some kerfuffle regarding Saturday and Sunday KLL crews.
To help clarify the situation, I called MikeD.
Over the phone, MikeD let slip that Dean would be riding on Sunday.
I'm pretty sure that MikeD didn't know to not let that info out of the bag.
And I wasn't sure I'd heard correctly.
But I decided to not e-mail Dean.
Who had previously decided to not e-mail me.
So ... some Saturday morning surprise remained.
Just not the one Dean intended.
The morning was beautiful.
The 0600 start helped to accentuate the early morning sun and shadows
On the way up to the Virginia state line and Kerr Lake Dam.
But ... there are a couple incidents to mention before the crossing of the state line:
First, just a mile or more into the ride,
Dean and I were riding alongside each other, Bob and MikeH just behind.
I wasn't paying attention to where we were,
When I saw Dean's left hand move to his front brake and give a momentary squeeze.
I looked to my right and confirmed the situation,
Then said, "I saw that!"
Reverse CL-sprint to Dean.
Being on home turf to start the ride,
I suggested a logical and rando-shortest-route-friendly detour
Instead of riding until we found the detour,
Which would have required virtually back-tracking.
Added a short two miles to the course.
During the detour, MikeH mentioned
That he'd forgotten his rubber band to hold his cue sheet holder in place,
And the holder and cue sheet were flopping around.
I urged him to put the cue sheet away and trust me not to let him get lost.
Not pushing the pace, we still got to and then away from the Exxon control
Sooner than I think I've ever managed.
At the control, Dean pointed out that since I'd encouraged everyone to put their cue sheets away,
It was incumbent upon me to wait at turns for the now cue-less.
After leaving that control, Bob pushed the pace up; I kept up with him.
Still enjoying the great morning low sunlight.
(It was not yet 0800.)
After the turn on to Salem Rd, I got concerned that Dean and MikeH had disappeared off our back.
Bob and I pulled over on to the side of Salem Rd, just before Dabney Rd.
I admit an ulterior motive.
I told Bob about the reverse CL-sprints that Dean had been consistently winning from me
On Get 'Er Dunn, Benson Mule Pull and Tar Heel 200 rides.
I also explained about the previous CL that very morning.
When Dean and MikeH were within hailing distance,
I pointed out to Bob how Dean had stopped pedaling just a moment before.
Clearly hoping I'd get back on my bike and lose yet another reverse CL-sprint.
When within talking distance, I said Bob and I would latch on to Dean and Mike's wheels.
Dean was having none of that.
He and MikeH pulled over to wait -- Dean insisting I lead the way.
I gave in. Sorta'.
I made about one or two pedal strokes,
Just enough for Mike and Dean to start to fall into line,
Then I U-turned.
Dean stopped. Mike followed me with his own U-turn.
Laughs enjoyed, I was forced to U-turn and lead the way across the CL into Vance County.
Did I mention that it was a beautiful, picture-postcard type morning and day?
MikeH lamented that he forgot his camera.
Dean also did not bring his.
I don't have one.
I don't know about Bob.
Horses and chickens and cattle and wildlife were abundant.
Possibly including a hawk or two.
Several deer.
Luckily the deer bolted away long before we got close.
Somehow, I was in the lead again when the Warren CL sign came into sight.
Rather than be silly, I hit the pedals for a couple quick, hard strokes
To take the CL and keep the calm, leisurely momentum intact.
That's my story, and I'm sticking to it.
Each MikeH and Dean commented that the store alongside NC BR #1 (our route)
In Warren County is worth stopping to see.
But we didn't do so this ride.
After that store, I managed to get second in line behind Dean.
Mike and Bob behind me in no particular order that I recall.
I stayed behind Dean. I stayed behind Dean. And I stayed behind Dean.
Then ... when the state line came within sight, and within "sprint" distance,
I went around, calling out that the problem with taking the State Line sprint
Is figuring out which sign designated the State Line.
There is a sign for "Welcome to North Carolina", facing opposite the direction we were riding,
And I think there is a sign for Warren County, facing the opposite direction,
And there is a sign for "Welcome to Virginia",
And a sign welcoming to Mecklinburg County in Virginia.
I'm not sure if there is a sign at the actual State Line or not.
I may have to consult an expert on rando CL and State Line sprints.
I wonder when I'll next see Jerry.
The lake, bound up behind the dam, was -- I know it sounds redundant -- a picture postcard.
Deep blue, with a very slight chop.
And a cooling breeze coming off the water.
Even with tired legs, I enjoy the last few miles of Phillis Rd into Boydton.
After that short, steep with the 90-degree "curve" at the top of the steep,
Just where one used to wonder "Who Let the Dogs Out?",
All the way into Boydton is great "popper" riding.
I like it, anyway.
I understood that this ride was the first time that Bob and MikeH had seen a certain statue
In the Boydton Courthouse Square withOUT scaffolding and fencing obscuring the view.
I think all four of us took the opportunity to carefully examine the statue.
Leaving Boydton, I drifted off the front of the other three.
But could hear that they'd struck up a conversation with another cyclist found on the road.
I tried to slow a bit to listen in from afar, but the road beckoned, and I followed.
That, too, is my story, and I'm sticking with it.
"Tobacco-whiskers" at the store in Skipwith recognized me from Jul-04.
I told that this time I had friends following along.
He seemed somewhat pleased with that information.
But he still didn't care to print me a receipt.
("It costs him paper, which is money, to print receipts." That's what MikeH told me, anyway.)
On to Clarksville. At a leisurely pace.
The causeway and bridge across the lake were closed to automobile traffic,
And open to pedestrian traffic to get to the Virginia Lake Festival (or try here).
As there is no other reasonable way to get across to Clarksville, we rode across anyway.
Then, we had to find and wend our way to the other side of Clarksville.
Made more interesting by an 18-wheeler stuck trying to make it around
A very tight residential corner.
Why wasn't that rig on the bypass?
We got lucky arriving when we did at the Subway in Clarksville.
There were only about two other customers when we entered.
But immediately the line behind was 8 or 10 people long,
And the establishment was quite crowed when we left.
The North Carolina State Line on the way to Grassy Creek would make for a great photo.
The road goes up a small climb, and just at the crest,
There is a large tree (I don't know the species) and within arms length of the tree,
The official-looking North Carolina State Line sign.
Across from the tree and sign is a house that is barely within North Carolina.
I've never not seen the Stars-and-Stripes and North Carolina flag flying proudly on that lawn.
Thru Grassy Creek and on toward Stovall.
Bob and Dean dropped Mike and me off their front,
So upon reaching US-15 in Stovall,
I suggested to Mike that we wait for Bob and Dean in the "gazebo",
And perhaps everyone would enjoy a five-minute break before tackling "Stovall Mountain".
I've cycled across that lawn to get to the gazebo many times.
I've pushed my bike across that lawn many times.
Never found a hole.
Bob, however, was unlucky enough to find a quite large hole,
Hidden beneath what appeared to be even grass on a mostly level lawn.
Mostly swallowed his front wheel.
Bob suddenly on the ground and not moving.
Having added new injuries to several fingers and his arm and elbow and maybe his one thigh.
A take-it-leisurely 200k on a scenic and friendly course suddenly soured.
We took considerable extra time sitting in the gazebo.
Chatting away. Playing for extra "calm collection" time for Bob.
While chatting, I pointed out to Dean that while KLL is a "north Raleigh" Permanent,
It is not the one that I've been "suggesting" that a true 10K km hound should add to his resume.
After all, this KLL was his 14th, and his LLL count is stagnant at ... zero.
MikeH and Bob each confirmed that LLL isn't that hard.
If the high temp isn't 100F or nearly so.
Everyone cleared Peace Mountain in style,
And then we finished the route with at least a little panache.
Including retracing the detour.
R-19 for Bob.
Appears to be R-9 for MikeH. But maybe he is not counting.
Looks like R-54 "insurance" for Dean; or maybe 208 kms closer to another goal.
I'll admit to R-12 "insurance" for me; and 208 kms more on the ledger.
Kerr Lake Loop 208km Permanent; 135.0 m.; 8h,53m in-motion; 15.2 mph; rando elapsed-clock time: 11h,48m.
Sunday, July 17, 2011
July 16 -- Ravenstone Three Man Breakaway

Tito, JohnD, and IvaHawk shoved off from Ravenstone Plaza at 6:30 AM. This was after a quick call to Smitty who was still asleep and obviously not going to make it. I’m sorry I woke him up. I’m sure he had been working late.
The route didn’t have a name that I know of. Some roads were Cash, Will Suit, Brogden, E. Thollie Green (nice), Belltown, Enon, and return. 73 miles. The pace was leisurely, not easy, but not hell bent for leather except for a couple of times on Belltown Rd when we all got on board the Tito time trial machine. I hung for awhile and dropped. JohnD hung on longer and finally dropped. Tito did a fine job on the hills. JohnD showed his time in the mountains was not for nothing himself.
One concerning thing happened on Patterson near the start of the ride. A giant dump truck decided to come into our lane. He was well over into it and coming towards us full speed by the time we recognized it. Oddly, and also concerning, was our lack of reaction. It was as if we couldn’t believe it when we should have been diving for the right hand ditch. He corrected and went back into his lane. Later we wondered what is worse: did the driver know what he was doing or did he not know. That was eight tons of steel versus 200 pounds of flesh and aluminum. Scares me to remember it.
On to happier things: The highlight of the trip was on Hallie Burnette Road which is a small five mile loop near Oxford that connects to Old Hwy 75 on both ends. We encountered a horse drawn carriage. Two Belgian horses were pulling a homemade carriage. The carriage was a platform mounted on car axels about five feet above the ground. The seats were old car seats. It could carry eight people easily. A man and his wife were driving. We stopped. They stopped, and we talked for about 30 minutes with them. Tito, not surprisingly, was leading the conversation with them. The farmer’s extended family, brothers, nieces, nephews, and cousins all live on different farms on Hallie Burnette. They were as friendly as could be. Tito got the man’s phone number. Tito wants to bring his family out for a wagon ride. The man said sure, bring them on out.
We left there and went on by Devin Lake, up to Enon, back to Belltown, and retraced our route. We rode through the commercial side of Butner (coming and going) over by Hwy 56. We haven’t been that way that I can remember.
It’s difficult for me to give this route my whole hearted recommendation. I like it for the most part. Parts have a bit too much traffic. But, all those roads just south of Oxford are scenic and lightly traveled.
We got back to Ravenstone safe and sound (always a good thing) to find Gary TLC speaking with some Gyros. They rode at a good clip apparently. They rode only 10 miles less than us, leaving an hour and half later, and beating us back by a good bit. Of course, we did spend a long time talking on Hallie Burnette Road.
Tuesday, July 12, 2011
Jul-10: Get 'Er Dunn 102 km Perm Pop
"What's done in Dunn is done."
A corollary to "some things should be left on the ride and not in the blog."
What's done in Dunn is done.
Also similar to "what happens in Vegas stays in Vegas."
Apparently there is concern that the "Associated Press" might leak things that were off the record.
A similar comment was made Irregularly some time back.
What's done in Dunn is done.
And that's about all I'm allowed to type about.
However, I think it will be safe to note the following:
Sridhar invested in a Profile Design double water-bottle cage that attaches to his seatpost.
I heartily approve.
Sridhar reported, at ride's end, that he thought the extra water on board helped on the "bonk front".
All will likely heartily approve.
MikeH was hoping to SR this year (now that he's recovered from early-spring(?), cold-weather-induced nerve damage. Maybe he still is hoping; but I checked the RUSA website for remaining brevets of the correct distances, and unless one is willing to ride eastern mountains and / or do some signficant travel, an ACP SR seems unlikely.
JayJay got ahead of the other four of us by the simple expedient of not stopping for additional water near the Johnson County Line. But then, something familiar happened. No need to type anew, I'll copy from a previous report: We came up JayJay "under a shade tree near the top of long grade"; but she wasn't waiting to reverse-dump. Well ... she might have been, but three of us waited her out.
Dean, other than being the route owner, made only one contribution that I can both recall and I'm allowed to type about: he made a miscalculation or typographical error of the closing time of the final control, and devilishly enjoyed JayJay's confusion when she thought she was "Hors Delay" for the day. A couple of others may have contributed to the atmosphere, but all credit should go to the route owner whenever possible, don't you agree?
Me? I can't recall anything I did about which I'm allowed to type.
What's done in Dunn is done.
Get 'Er Dunn 102 km Perm Pop; 66.3 m.; 4h,46m in-motion; 13.9 mph.
For the "rando elapsed time", see:
A corollary to "some things should be left on the ride and not in the blog."
What's done in Dunn is done.
Also similar to "what happens in Vegas stays in Vegas."
Apparently there is concern that the "Associated Press" might leak things that were off the record.
A similar comment was made Irregularly some time back.
What's done in Dunn is done.
And that's about all I'm allowed to type about.
However, I think it will be safe to note the following:
Sridhar invested in a Profile Design double water-bottle cage that attaches to his seatpost.
I heartily approve.
Sridhar reported, at ride's end, that he thought the extra water on board helped on the "bonk front".
All will likely heartily approve.
MikeH was hoping to SR this year (now that he's recovered from early-spring(?), cold-weather-induced nerve damage. Maybe he still is hoping; but I checked the RUSA website for remaining brevets of the correct distances, and unless one is willing to ride eastern mountains and / or do some signficant travel, an ACP SR seems unlikely.
Location | Date | kms | Route (proposed) | Contact | Web Site |
CA: San Diego | 8/6/11 | 300 | Sunset Beach 300 | Dennis Stryker | info |
CO: Boulder | 8/6/11 | 300 | Peak-to-Peak | John Lee Ellis | info |
MA: Westfield | 8/6/11 | 300 | Don Podolski | info | |
MN: Twin Cities / Roch. | 7/23/11 | 300 | 96 | Rob Welsh | info |
MT: Bozeman | 8/6/11 | 300 | Tobacco Root Mountains 300 | Jason Karp | info |
NC: High Point | 8/6/11 | 300 | Tony Goodnight | info | |
NC: High Point | 10/8/11 | 300 | Lumberton-etc 300k | Tony Goodnight | info |
OH: Columbus | 7/16/11 | 300 | 259 | Bob Waddell | info |
VA: Northern | 8/13/11 | 300 | 721 | Matt Settle | info |
WA: Seattle | 7/30/11 | 300 | Mark Thomas | info | |
MN: Twin Cities / Roch. | 8/6/11 | 400 | 685 | Rob Welsh | info |
NC: High Point | 8/6/11 | 400 | Tony Goodnight | info | |
NC: High Point | 10/8/11 | 400 | Tony Goodnight | info | |
OH: Columbus | 7/30/11 | 400 | 260 | Bob Waddell | info |
OR: Portland | 8/22/11 | 400 | Poor Mans 400 | Susan France | info |
PA: Pittsburgh | 7/30/11 | 400 | Washington PA etc | Jim Logan | info |
VA: Northern | 9/10/11 | 400 | Seneca Rocks 400k | Matt Settle | info |
MN: Twin Cities / Roch. | 9/10/11 | 600 | 686 | Rob Welsh | info |
NC: High Point | 8/6/11 | 600 | Tony Goodnight | info | |
NC: High Point | 10/8/11 | 600 | Tony Goodnight | info | |
OR: Portland | 8/20/11 | 600 | Poor Mans 600 | Susan France | info |
VA: Northern | 9/24/11 | 600 | Buckhannon 600K | Matt Settle | info |
JayJay got ahead of the other four of us by the simple expedient of not stopping for additional water near the Johnson County Line. But then, something familiar happened. No need to type anew, I'll copy from a previous report: We came up JayJay "under a shade tree near the top of long grade"; but she wasn't waiting to reverse-dump. Well ... she might have been, but three of us waited her out.
Dean, other than being the route owner, made only one contribution that I can both recall and I'm allowed to type about: he made a miscalculation or typographical error of the closing time of the final control, and devilishly enjoyed JayJay's confusion when she thought she was "Hors Delay" for the day. A couple of others may have contributed to the atmosphere, but all credit should go to the route owner whenever possible, don't you agree?
Me? I can't recall anything I did about which I'm allowed to type.
What's done in Dunn is done.
Get 'Er Dunn 102 km Perm Pop; 66.3 m.; 4h,46m in-motion; 13.9 mph.
For the "rando elapsed time", see:
RUSA-T16721 | A, Janis | 6:27 |
RUSA-T16722 | F, Dean | 6:15 |
RUSA-T16723 | H, Michael A | 6:15 |
RUSA-T16724 | S, Martin | 6:15 |
RUSA-T16725 | S, Sridhar | 6:25 |
Monday, July 11, 2011
Jul-09: Long Assault on Flat Rock
The Mallet and the Smitty
Rode on a mile or so,
And then they rested by a rock
Conveniently high:
And the Skiffrun stood
And waited in a row.
"The time has come," the Mallet said,
"To talk of many things:
Of shoes--and ships--and chocolate-bars--
Of 20-pound-dumbbells--and beds-of-gravel--
And why the bag is quite so heavy--
And whether pigs have wings."
They flew down the hill
And caught the Turtles
And their escort.
Skiffrun saying to the escort,
"The Mallet wants to test lift your bike,
And I think you should lift the Mallet's."
So upon the next crest,
The escort removed bottles from his cages
So that Mallet, a fair 16-pound test would get.
But when the Mallet let go his own saddle,
Leaving poor escort holding only stem,
The pig-bike, over did it fall.
The struggle to upright the wheels,
Confused the escort much.
For he did not know of the special training tools
Concealed in the Mallet bag.
A 20-pound dumbbell on a bed of gravel.
Now we know the secret training tool
Of Mallet and his like.
Ride a heavy pig-bike,
And fill with weights and rocks.
The question still remains:
Will he, his brother's wheel hold,
When up the Alps they glide?
The above, with apologies to Lewis Carroll, Alice and the jabberwocky.
--> PUE: Long AFR --> lunch --> ; 71.2 m.; 4h,29m in-motion; 15.9 mph.
Rode on a mile or so,
And then they rested by a rock
Conveniently high:
And the Skiffrun stood
And waited in a row.
"The time has come," the Mallet said,
"To talk of many things:
Of shoes--and ships--and chocolate-bars--
Of 20-pound-dumbbells--and beds-of-gravel--
And why the bag is quite so heavy--
And whether pigs have wings."
They flew down the hill
And caught the Turtles
And their escort.
Skiffrun saying to the escort,
"The Mallet wants to test lift your bike,
And I think you should lift the Mallet's."
So upon the next crest,
The escort removed bottles from his cages
So that Mallet, a fair 16-pound test would get.
But when the Mallet let go his own saddle,
Leaving poor escort holding only stem,
The pig-bike, over did it fall.
The struggle to upright the wheels,
Confused the escort much.
For he did not know of the special training tools
Concealed in the Mallet bag.
A 20-pound dumbbell on a bed of gravel.
Now we know the secret training tool
Of Mallet and his like.
Ride a heavy pig-bike,
And fill with weights and rocks.
The question still remains:
Will he, his brother's wheel hold,
When up the Alps they glide?
The above, with apologies to Lewis Carroll, Alice and the jabberwocky.
--> PUE: Long AFR --> lunch --> ; 71.2 m.; 4h,29m in-motion; 15.9 mph.
Friday, July 8, 2011
Around the World, and a Little More
Sometimes things sneak up on you, especially when you're concentrating on something else.
Yesterday, I was chatting with my bicycle mechanic and Irregular cycling buddy Gary about something bike related, and I realized and mentioned that I probably have about 24 thousand miles on the Trek Pilot 5.0 frame. Today, since I have the data, I decided to check the "actual" miles. (I put "actual" in quotes because I am 100% confident that my Cateye confusers have not always recorded the correct mileage ... instead adding or missing a tenth or two here or there ... and failing to register anything when the contacts got wet in the middle of a ride or when the battery was failing ... and I did nearly half the Blue Ridge Parkway ride last September without a functioning confuser of any sort ... and there are probably other assorted causes that make the "actual" data only a "pretty good estimate".)
Twenty-six thousand thirty-four and seven-tenths miles. 26,034.7 miles.
Then I thought about exactly what on the bike, in addition to the frame, has been along for all twenty-six thousand miles. Answer: the fork and headset, handlebar, left brifter and the front wheel have been along for every mile or portion thereof.
The little (30T) chain ring and the large.(50T) chain ring have been along for every mile except the first 95.5 miles. The bike came with a crap Bontrager triple and bottom bracket that were tossed after two rides (decision was made in the middle of the first ride). The bottom bracket and middle (39T) chain ring were replaced last year.
The right brifter had to be replaced after my Sep-2009 crash.
I am now on my (I believe it is the) fifth rear wheel -- four warranty replacements because of drive side nipples pulling through the rim -- on the last replacement, finally an upgrade -- the LBS tried to get me to pay for that upgrade -- I said "No, you sold me a bike with a defective wheel as supplied by the bicycle manufacturer; they have continued to supply you with defective wheels to replace the original defective wheel; and you and they are going to continue to do free warranty replacements until you / they provide me a non-defective product."
I am not sure, but I think that rear and front derailleurs have been along for every mile. It is possible that those were replaced / upgraded when the original crap bottom bracket and chain rings were replaced. I am sure that the LBS manager mentioned the upgrade in the bottom bracket and chain rings and I am confident that he did NOT mention the derailleurs ... which I am confident he would have mentioned if they had been replaced.
I'm pretty sure that the brakes are original. But of course the brake pads and cables have been replaced a few times.
Of course, the chain and cassette and derailleur cables and housing have been replaced several times. The pedals were replaced last year.
Therefore, I'll say that the frame, the fork, the headset, the handlebar, the left brifter, the brakes and both derailleurs have been along for all twenty-six thousand miles.
Sometimes, when on a rando ride, I'll be asked what I ride on normal road bike rides. I always answer: "You're looking at it."
Sometimes, when on a normal (non-rando) bike ride, I'll be asked what I ride on rando rides. I always answer: "You're looking at it."
That flippant answer also has other uses. For example, someone (I don't recall whom) asked what gearing / cassette I used on the Blue Ridge Parkway ride last year. I answered: "You're looking at it." (Since the cassette was last changed on Jul-18-2010 ... two months before the BRP ride ... that answer was not only technically correct in terms of gearing, it was actually correct because I'm still using the same cassette (which now has a little over 8600 miles on it -- I hope it holds up for another 4 or 5 thousand or more miles).
As I was finishing up this post, and researching the mileage on the current cassette, I saw a note in my Excel log ... the upshot of which is that my front wheel was on "vacation" for 170 miles last October 30th and 31st. That "vacation" was caused by borrowing a set of loaner wheels while awaiting delivery of the last warranty replacement rear wheel.
I'm not going to change the text above.
Yesterday, I was chatting with my bicycle mechanic and Irregular cycling buddy Gary about something bike related, and I realized and mentioned that I probably have about 24 thousand miles on the Trek Pilot 5.0 frame. Today, since I have the data, I decided to check the "actual" miles. (I put "actual" in quotes because I am 100% confident that my Cateye confusers have not always recorded the correct mileage ... instead adding or missing a tenth or two here or there ... and failing to register anything when the contacts got wet in the middle of a ride or when the battery was failing ... and I did nearly half the Blue Ridge Parkway ride last September without a functioning confuser of any sort ... and there are probably other assorted causes that make the "actual" data only a "pretty good estimate".)
Twenty-six thousand thirty-four and seven-tenths miles. 26,034.7 miles.
Then I thought about exactly what on the bike, in addition to the frame, has been along for all twenty-six thousand miles. Answer: the fork and headset, handlebar, left brifter and the front wheel have been along for every mile or portion thereof.
The little (30T) chain ring and the large.(50T) chain ring have been along for every mile except the first 95.5 miles. The bike came with a crap Bontrager triple and bottom bracket that were tossed after two rides (decision was made in the middle of the first ride). The bottom bracket and middle (39T) chain ring were replaced last year.
The right brifter had to be replaced after my Sep-2009 crash.
I am now on my (I believe it is the) fifth rear wheel -- four warranty replacements because of drive side nipples pulling through the rim -- on the last replacement, finally an upgrade -- the LBS tried to get me to pay for that upgrade -- I said "No, you sold me a bike with a defective wheel as supplied by the bicycle manufacturer; they have continued to supply you with defective wheels to replace the original defective wheel; and you and they are going to continue to do free warranty replacements until you / they provide me a non-defective product."
I am not sure, but I think that rear and front derailleurs have been along for every mile. It is possible that those were replaced / upgraded when the original crap bottom bracket and chain rings were replaced. I am sure that the LBS manager mentioned the upgrade in the bottom bracket and chain rings and I am confident that he did NOT mention the derailleurs ... which I am confident he would have mentioned if they had been replaced.
I'm pretty sure that the brakes are original. But of course the brake pads and cables have been replaced a few times.
Of course, the chain and cassette and derailleur cables and housing have been replaced several times. The pedals were replaced last year.
Therefore, I'll say that the frame, the fork, the headset, the handlebar, the left brifter, the brakes and both derailleurs have been along for all twenty-six thousand miles.
Sometimes, when on a rando ride, I'll be asked what I ride on normal road bike rides. I always answer: "You're looking at it."
Sometimes, when on a normal (non-rando) bike ride, I'll be asked what I ride on rando rides. I always answer: "You're looking at it."
That flippant answer also has other uses. For example, someone (I don't recall whom) asked what gearing / cassette I used on the Blue Ridge Parkway ride last year. I answered: "You're looking at it." (Since the cassette was last changed on Jul-18-2010 ... two months before the BRP ride ... that answer was not only technically correct in terms of gearing, it was actually correct because I'm still using the same cassette (which now has a little over 8600 miles on it -- I hope it holds up for another 4 or 5 thousand or more miles).
As I was finishing up this post, and researching the mileage on the current cassette, I saw a note in my Excel log ... the upshot of which is that my front wheel was on "vacation" for 170 miles last October 30th and 31st. That "vacation" was caused by borrowing a set of loaner wheels while awaiting delivery of the last warranty replacement rear wheel.
I'm not going to change the text above.
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