Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Consecutive Riding Days, Part-3

Spoiler alert / geek alert! 

The following is just a comparison of some boring stats from my 2011 rides.  Even I think the resulting stats and the short discussion boring.  This is so boring that I might delete the post even after publication -- if I bother to publish.  You have been warned. 


In the previous two posts, I looked at data by day-of-the-week and by day-within-the-series of consecutive riding days.  The conclusion(s):  (a) I rode the same overall pace whether the ride was "stand-alone" or part of a "series of days", and  (2) I did slow slightly over the course of a "series", but not much.

Today, I'm looking at charts that will segment between "stand-alones" and "consecutives", and by type of ride, or type of group, within each.

Total cycling in 2011, sorted by type of ride.

All rides   kms       # rides       miles       Hours         mph        m. / r.
"irregulars" 0 40 2,892.1 186.9 15.5 72.3
0 0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
other grps 0 4 295.3 20.8 14.2 73.8
Brevets 1,500 4 940.9 64.0 14.7 235.2
Permanents 3,492 17 2,240.2 149.6 15.0 131.8
0 0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
solo Perms 2,048 10 1,302.2 87.8 14.8 130.2
Perm Pops 1,128 11 721.6 50.9 14.2 65.6
0 0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
solo Pops 102 1 65.2 3.9 16.7 65.2
0 0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
city/errands 0 16 279.9 18.8 14.9 17.5
other solo 0 10 467.4 31.6 14.8 46.7
Total 8,270 113 9,204.8 614.3 15.0 81.5

[There is just no way around it -- blogger insists on left-justifying words from an Excel cell, AND insists on right-justifying numbers from an Excel cell.  Sigh.  I'll try "shoving" the column headers to the right by inserting some blank characters -- looks like it might improve the final result.  Btw, on "looks" ... these three posts -- the charts -- look significantly differently on Google-Chrome than they do on Microsoft Iinternet Explorer.  IE keeps the chart when drafting the post; Chrome does NOT.  IE keeps the internal and border lines, and as a result, the charts look better; Chrome eliminates all the internal and surrounding "border" lines.  Other than the pitiful handling of Excel charts being copied into the draft, Chrome generally seems to work better with Blogger -- they ought to, as each is a Google product.] 

Observations / comments: 
  • I'm faster with the Irregulars than when doing rando permanents; but the permanents are twice as far. 
  • Not much difference between my solo permanent performances and those with others. 
  • The permanent-populaires were my slowest rides; but I happen to know that all of them were either in cold-cold January, camaraderie / recovery rides, or "whew-yesterday-beat-the-heck-out-of-me" recovery rides. 
  • The one solo permanent-populaire was an attempt to go all-out (on the third day of consecutive riding), staying in 50/17 faux-single-speed gearing as I tried to better Dean's best time on "Get 'er Dunn" -- I failed.

Consecutive days, sorted by type of ride.

consec   kms       # rides        miles       Hours          mph        m. / r.
irregulars 0 29 2,089.5 135.5 15.4 72.1
0 0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
other grps 0 4 295.3 20.8 14.2 73.8
Brevets 600 2 374.5 24.9 15.0 187.3
Permanents 2,268 11 1,450.0 96.5 15.0 131.8
0 0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
solo Perms 1,028 5 666.8 45.0 14.8 133.4
Perm Pops 1,128 11 721.6 50.9 14.2 65.6
0 0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
solo Pops 102 1 65.2 3.9 16.7 65.2
0 0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
city/errands 0 10 191.2 13.0 14.7 19.1
other solo 0 8 365.9 25.1 14.6 45.7
Total 5,126 81 6,220.0 415.6 15.0 76.8

Observations / comments:  Essentially the same distances per ride and average pace as in the total chart.

Stand-alone" days, sorted by type of ride.

non-consec   kms        # rides         miles        Hours          mph         m. / r.
"irregulars" 0 11 802.6 51.4 15.6 73.0
0 0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
other grps 0 0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
Brevets 900 2 566.4 39.1 14.5 283.2
Permanents 1,224 6 790.2 53.1 14.9 131.7
0 0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
solo Perms 1,020 5 635.4 42.8 14.9 127.1
Perm Pops 0 0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
0 0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
solo Pops 0 0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
0 0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
city/errands 0 6 88.7 5.8 15.2 14.8
other solo 0 2 101.5 6.5 15.6 50.8
Total 3,144 32 2,984.8 198.7 15.0 93.3

Observations / comments:  Essentially the same distances per ride and average pace as in the total chart.  The mix of rides is different, and that causes the apparently significant difference in "miles per ride" of the total-stand-alones.


In 2011, whether the ride was a "stand-alone" or part of a "series", there was no difference to my average speed.  Either I don't get tired  OR  I was moderating my pace at the beginning of a multi-day effort.  I know I get tired.  But there is so little difference between "stand-alones" and "consecutives" that, if I was moderating my effort, it doesn't appear to have been much.

Three days.  Three boring posts.  All to conclude that I'm just as "fast" ("slow" might be a better fit) whether rested or fresh, whether anticipating riding more the next day or not.

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