Tuesday, May 14, 2024

Dec-04-2021: Mt Tirzah Populaire Pre-Ride

Fun ride with friends BobB and IvaHawk as a pre-ride of the Dec-11 Mt Tirzah event. 
Not much recollection of the ride -- actually, no recollections. 
But some photos that might be instructive in the future. 
But first, the notes from my Excel log: 
  • -> Mt. Tirzah Populaire pre-ride 
    • I was dog-sitting for a friend -> Iva and I drove back into Raleigh with 
    • Iva dropping me off at the friend's.  
  • 0715 leave house  --  0835 brevet-pop start,  6h01 elapsed 
  • 13.7-mile commute to the start,  0:56 in-motion 
  • 66.8-miles for the 107k Pop,  4:58 in-motion 
  • total 80.5-miles,  5:54 in-motion,  13.6-mph avg in-motion 
Ravenstone Plaza -- start control photos:  
[my photo, 0826.  I think I was expecting us to start at 0830, but someone was not ready, so I, as ride organizer, made the decision to start the pre-ride officially at 0835] 

[Bob's pre-ride photo.] 
Timberlake control -- the oft-used bench(es) in front of the store visible closest to the camera.  1057[photo credit to me] 

Bob's Timberlake photo.  All three bikes.  Me with my back to the camera; Iva just beyond me.  [Btw, that orange fencing is there to protect people from the huge hole in the ground where it appeared that the underground gas storage containers were being replaced.]  
[photo credit to Bob]  L to R:  Iva, me.  Location?  Possibly the turn off Culbreth Rd onto Old-75, about a mile before transiting Stem
Creedmoor BP control.  1315[photo credit to me] 

Bob's Creedmoor photo.  Iva enjoying a laugh.  Me with my back to the camera, again
Bob's finish control photo at Ravenstone Plaza[Don't know what happened to my finish photo.  Don't know what happened to Iva's photos.] 
As indicated near the beginning of this post, perhaps these photos will serve a future instructional purpose. 
That's my story, and I'll be sticking to it. 

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