Saturday, June 8, 2024

May-29-2022: Hurdlin' Hills 106

IvaHawk and I drove over to Durham to do the Hurdlin' Hill 106k perm-pop. 
The route starts in/near downtown Durham and exits town via 
Duke University Rd, Cameron Blvd, and NC-751. 
The only part of the course that I found disconcerting is the bridge over the RR tracks just before the north end of NC-751 and the supposed turn for a few yards on US-70-Business.  There are no shoulders on that bridge, meaning no bail-out for a cyclist should it become prudent of bail-out.  That same bridge bothered me back when I was a runner (no bicycle), lived just off NC-751, and did a lot of running in and around Duke Forest. 
I refer to the supposed few yards on US-70-Bus because I think a wise cyclist doing the outbound leg would not bother to get onto US-70, but would instead use the wrong shoulder for those 10-or-so yards to get onto Old-NC-10.  (Google-street-view)  Okay, so the supposed distance is more akin to 30 yards than 10 -- I still think it wise to check the traffic and use the shoulder and "other stuff" on the south side of US-70-Bus to get to Old-NC-10. 
The most notable climb outbound and inbound are on Pleasant Green Rd. 
I first experienced Pleasant Green Rd when doing a Durham Habitat for Humanity 100k. 
It was notable for me then, back in the 90's. 
I recall LL -- this was before we were married -- reporting that fast-folk 
Commented aloud at the start (in downtown Durham) when they saw that
Pleasant Green Rd was on the cue sheet for that ride. 
Other than Pleasant Green Rd, the rollers / hills were more-or-less pleasant experiences. 
[Hmmn -- see how I constructed that sentence?] 
I recall that IvaHawk and I had a mostly pleasant ride and time. 
Though Iva may have wanted to cuss me some for being faster on certain climbs; 
In particular, the one on Pleasant Green Rd on the return. 
Some photos from the ride (NOT all of them are from controls!!): 
Durham co-op; both steeds + IvaHawk fiddling with his machine.  A sizeable communal parking lot "around back."  Timestamp 0816.  

At or near the apex of the Pleasant Green Rd climb.  Cool in the shade on a warm and humid day -- at least I recall it was warm, and being late May, it might have been humid, but maybe not -- and I'm not going to bother to search the weather almanac sites to find out.  Timestamp 0928. 

At or near the apex of the Pleasant Green Rd climb.  This photo is better composed than the one above with most of the pic being the asphalt of the road, and as a result, this pic is much more pleasing to the eye.  Timestamp 0928. 

A third photo from at or near the apex of the Pleasant Green Rd.  This scene is just to the right of the scene immediately above -- a clever person could knit the two together to make somewhat of a panoramic presentation.  Timestamp 0928. 

Hurdle Mills -- the turn-around control.  1055.  That's my steed leaning against that pole  +  one can see that this is actually a mirror selfie (look at the window reflection).  Also, notice that one can also see IvaHawk reflected in the window. 

Back at the Durham co-op for the finish.  My machine holding up the building.  1358.  Total difference between the first photo and the finish = 5h42 elapsed.  As I type this, I wonder what I entered into the official RUSA database via the online process. 
Info from my Excel ride log: 
  • Hurdling Hills Perm-Pop (Durham to Hurdle Mills & return), 
  • w/ IvaHawk, 
  • 65.8-miles;  4:43 in-motion;  13.9-mph avg while in-motion.  
My record from the RUSA website: 
RUSA-T106468RUSAT1062022/05/29 NC: Hurdling Hills05:42
IvaHawk's record from the RUSA website: 
RUSA-T106485RUSAT1062022/05/29 NC: Hurdling Hills05:44
And that is my report for this ride, and I'll be sticking to it.  

Friday, June 7, 2024

May-21-2022: "TT / cadence"

As I type this, I recall nothing of this ride, but the Excel log is much more descriptive than usual, so I decided to create a blog post using nothing but the Excel log information (well, augmented). 
  • "-> "TT"/cadence course ->" 
  • " 1300 start, broiled, overcast, rain, more sunshine    --    cramped" 
    • Due to the way that the reference to "cramped" is included in that comment cell of the Excel log, I suspect that the cramp(s) occurred several hours after completion of the ride (after sitting for several hours reading or fiddling on the computer). 
  • 40.8-miles;  3h09 in-motion;  giving 12.9-mph avg in-motion 
    • my original "TT" / cadence course started and ended at Blue Jay Point County Park and was 29.6 or 29.7 miles long, although I sometimes shortened the route by not riding the Olive Branch - Kemp - Virgil loop, and I sometimes would add a side-trip down and back up Coley Rd (sometimes 2 side trips on Coley Rd). 
And that, dear reader(s), is my story for this ride, and I'll be sticking to it. 

Thursday, June 6, 2024

May-14-2022: Morrisville 400 ACP Brevet

Determined was I to complete a Super Series in 2022. 
Something that I've more often not completed than I've been successful. 
Though I had struggled mightily the first 50-miles, the 200 was in the bag
The 300 had become a disappointment -- it was an adventure, but clearly disappointing. 
Time for the 400 was upon us. 
Doug was also intending to complete the a Series. 
Doug's purpose behind doing the Series was to get a good position 
In the queue for 2023 PBP registration. 
On the other hand, I wanted to complete a Series as a goal in and of itself, and 
Luckily for me, RBA Alan had scheduled a second 300 one week after the 600, 
So I had hope for completing a Series despite the disappointment of the April 300.  
I'm confident that Doug and I had pre-arranged to ride together. 
After all, neither of us could keep up with the fast-folk.  
Due to the "fish-hook" start, there was a control about 2.5-miles into the route. 
The following is one photo from that photo control. 
RBA Alan had released us for the start at 0600.  The timestamp on this photo is:  0617. 
After that first intermediate control at the corner of McCormick Pkwy and Davis Drive, 
Doug and I continued at a reasonable pace, but I recall nothing from the ride. 
I don't have any photo for the second intermediate control at Snow Camp. 
I also do not have the brevet card or notes from which I might determine 
When we got to Snow Camp. 
[The only "brevet cards" that I have kept are the 2023 Raleigh 600, 
Which was Alan's last event as RBA (his tenure covered 1997 - 2023), and
The card for the Raleigh June-2023 Dart-Pop, 
Which was my first event as RBA.] 
I don't have any recollection of stuff between Snow Camp and Siler City.  
I don't have any photos or notes for the Siler City control at approx 100k. 
I have no recollection of any happenings at the Siler City control. 
We left Siler City headed for Coleridge Rd, Erect, and Seagrove. 
Coleridge Rd:  everyone's favorite road on Alan's brevets. 
Esp. in Spring with everything green and pastures covered in flowers, and 
Higher ridges visible off to the north and to south.   
In addition to Coleridge Rd, between Siler City and Snow Camp, 
The route starts to get rather lumpy / hilly. 
I have always found the 1-mile climb up to get into Seagrove 
To never be a pleasant experience. 
That climb is not the steepest (or longest ?) on the 400 route, but
I think it is the most unpleasant. 
I didn't take any photos of the scenic sites between Siler City and Seagrove. 
Never have. 
My excuse would be that being rather slow, I'd rather use the time to pedal. 
Outbound Seagrove control with mirror selfie.  Timestamp 1346 -- meaning we had covered approx 150-kms at an elapsed pace of just 5-hours for each 100-kms.  Since I don't ride 100-km populaires much more quickly than 5-hours, and sometimes am slower than that, I should have been happy with 7h46 elapsed to cover those approx 150-kms.  
However, one should keep in mind that the Seagrove control would be the lunch stop, meaning significant time NOT making progress on the road. 
Also, the hard climbs are between Seagrove and the turn-around.  And in particular, the hardest stuff is between Seagrove and the village of Uwharrie.  To help make that point, I prepared the chart immediately below (based on the 2023 version of these same routes). 

Alan's traditional brevets



feet climbing

climb / mile

Alan's "Siler City" 200 (2023)





Alan's "Seagrove" 300 (2023)





Alan's "Uwharries" 400 (2023)





Alan's "Wimington" 600 (2023)





Alan's "Pittsboro" 110 (2023)





     diff:  300 - 200





     diff:  400 - 300





    400:  Seagrove-Uwharrie & return





    400:  River Rd out & back





When people first encounter River Rd between the village of Uwharrie and the turn-around control, they are likely to express surprise at how much climbing there is on River Rd.  Before RWGPS, etc., people expected River Rd to be more-or-less flat.  (Since the advent of RWGPS, etc., people can, if they desire, study the route before the event -- that removes some of the "surprise." 
Plenty of steep climbs between Seagrove and the turn-around. 
Most notably Flint Hill Rd and Ophir Rd. 
Flint Hill is tougher on the return than on the outbound. 
I forget which road / climb had recently been chip-sealed, 
Making the climb more difficult. 
Not to mention the extra care I took on that descent on the return. 
The other "interesting" thing(s) between Seagrove and the turn-around 
I will not type about because they fit in the "leave it on the road / in the brevet" category. 
No photo from the turn-around. 
And thinking about it, most controls if I got a receipt, I didn't take a photo. 
Or maybe the quality was so bad that I deleted the photo(s)? 
I'll finish off this post by noting that we took some extra "ditch breaks" on the return. 
We took a lot of time in Siler City to rest. 
Doug got some sleep in Snow Camp whereas I got none. 
There was some rain making the roads and ditches damp. 
We took another "ditch break" at the turn off Hamlet Chp Rd onto ____ Rd. 
I know the name of the road, but of course in the moment of typing, the name escapes. 
Doug sat on the very wet grass in the ditch, but I just stood on the side of the road. 
I pulled ahead on the decline on Jack Bennett Rd and 
Pulled into the picnic tables at Farrington Point. 
When Doug arrived a couple minutes later, I encouraged him to go on solo. 
He was hesitant because he thought we should stick together, 
He didn't KNOW the course and his Wahoo GPS unit had repeatedly failed all ride. 
However, I hadn't gotten in a nap in Snow Camp and 
I was determined to take one, or at least attempt to take one, at Farrington Point. 
Here a the additional photos that I have from the ride: 
Siler City control was closed on our return.  This location used to be 24/7, but stopped doing that several years earlier.  Timestamp 2314.  That means it had taken us 11 1/2 hours to cover the approx 150-kms from Seagrove outbound to Siler City inbound.  HOW could we have frittered away that much time?! 
To refresh our liquids and/or grab a snack, we went to the gas station / c-store on the south side of US-64.  We spent a lot of time there, sitting, resting. 

Doug taking advantage of the bench(es) at Snow Camp.  Timestamp 0101 on the 15th -- i.e., 19-hours after the start.  As mentioned above, Doug managed a nap at Snow Camp.  I was not so lucky. 

The penultimate control on McCormick Pkwy.  I had taken a nap, or had tried to, at Farrington Point, so I was alone by this point.  Timestamp 0702. 

My stead at the Finish.  Timestamp 0715/. 
After a short rest, I rode the 21-mile northwest route to return to north Raleigh. 
Of note on that post event commute was that approx 4-miles north of the finish, 
I crossed paths with MikeO, #215, out for an early morning ride from his place to Alan's. 
My recollection is that Mike thought I looked a bit worse for wear. 
I'm going to skip including a copy of the official brevet results. 
Anyone interested can look them up on the RUSA website (""). 
I'm also going to skip including the information from my Excel ride log, 
Except for this:   289.5-total-miles including both commute rides, in  22h33 in-motion. 

Apr-23-2022: Morrisville 300 ACP Brevet

Determined was I to complete the 2022 Raleigh Region ACP Super Series. 
Something that I've more often not completed than I've been successful. 
Though I had struggled mightily the first 50-miles, the 200 was in the bag
Time for the 300 was upon us. 
Doug was also intending to complete the Raleigh Series. 
However, I was doing the Series as the goal in and of itself, 
Doug's purpose behind doing the Series was to get a good position 
In the queue for 2023 PBP registration. 
I cannot recall if Doug and I had pre-arranged to ride together, 
Or if we realized in the parking lot before the ride that we were logical ride partners, 
Or if we teamed up on the road within the first mile 
Recognizing that regarding the faster-folk, we had decided to "just let them go." 
Regardless how it came about, we became ride partners. 
Due to the "fish-hook" start, there was a control about 2.5-miles into the route. 
The following is one photo from that photo control. 
Doug "fiddling" with his smart-phone or perhaps his Wahoo GPS device.  There was quite a bit of commentary / discussion on the "randon" and other google-groups around this time in 2022 regarding Wahoo devices repeatedly messing up while users were using them to navigate brevets.  Doug had had troubles during the 200  AND  he would experience repeated Wahoo failures during this 300 brevet.   
Eventually, he would mostly attempt to ignore his Wahoo and just turn when I turned -- some might wonder how I navigated -- well, I did have a cue sheet with me, but I never consulted it on this ride, just as I had not consulted a cue sheet for this route for most of the previous dozen years -- the exceptions being to check the routing of the detours to get around bridge re-destruction that had occurred most every year. 
RBA Alan had released us for the start at 0700.  The timestamp on this photo is:  0712. 
After that first intermediate control at the corner of McCormick Pkwy and Davis Drive, 
Doug and I continued at a reasonable pace, letting the faster-folk slowly disappear up the road. 
I don't have any photo for the second intermediate control at Snow Camp. 
I also do not have the brevet card or notes from which I might determine 
When we got to Snow Camp. 
[The only "brevet cards" that I have kept are the 2023 Raleigh 600, 
Which was Alan's last event as RBA (his tenure covered 1997 - 2023), and
The card for the Raleigh June-2023 Dart-Pop, 
Which was my first event as RBA.] 
I don't have any photos or notes for the Siler City control at approx 100k. 
I do know that approaching the outbound Snow Camp control, 
I knew I needed to check my left shoe, cleat, and pedal 
As I was having trouble clicking out. 
However, when I emerged from the Snow Camp store, 
Doug was already in conversation with a local regarding our bicycle ride. 
Unfortunately, I allowed myself to be sucked into listening to the conversation; 
Forgetting the issue with my left shoe, cleat, pedal. 
Arriving at the Siler City ~ 100k control, 
I managed, with difficulty, to click out of the left pedal 
To coast across the parking lot. 
After dismounting, I checked the bottom of my shoe, 
The little metal piece that clicks into the SPD pedal had fallen off, 
Obviously somewhere on the parking lot. 
I didn't see the point in looking for the missing piece. 
It was essentially the same color as the parking lot, 
So it would not stand out. 
Doug wondered if there was a bicycling shop in Siler City. 
I figured it wasn't worth trying to find out, and 
I was confident that I could complete the ride 
Even without the left cleat. 
We left Siler City headed for Coleridge Rd, Erect, and Seagrove. 
Coleridge Rd:  everyone's favorite road on Alan's brevets. 
Esp. in Spring with everything green and pastures covered in flowers, and 
Higher ridges visible off to the north and to south.  
I don't have any photos or notes for the Seagrove control at approx 150k. 
I suspect that I was finding that pedaling without a left cleat was 
More troubling than I had expected, 
But I'm confident that I said nothing. 
The return from Seagrove to Siler City became increasingly "interesting." 
I had to modify my pedal stroke to deal with the missing cleat; 
I had to concentrate on keeping the bottom of my slick shoe in contact with the pedal, 
Despite the shoe sliding around with nothing to hold it in place. 
Also, I "discovered" that I actually do apply some upward pulling pressure in my stroke
Because the left shoe did occasionally separate from the pedal during the upstroke. 
The pains in my left leg became increasingly harder to bear. 
After completing Coleridge Rd on the return, 
And note that Coleridge Rd did not seem as enjoyable when dealing with those pains, 
While on the 2+ miles of Old-Old-64 / W. 3rd St., 
I told Doug that he needed to mentally prepare to ride 
The final 100-kms solo because I was stopping in Siler City, period. 
Given the 1927 timestamp of this photo, this was certainly taken at the Siler City control inbound.  Whether taken when we arrived at the control, or if taken after Doug had left and I was waiting for MikeO, I don't know.  If one looks carefully, one can see the reflected me in the mirroring window. 

I arranged a rescue ride from MikeO, RUSA #215, 
Whom Alan had recruited to be on stand-by in case anyone needed a rescue ride. 
So, I got in a long 200k training ride (counting the bicycle commute to the start). 
Doug did successfully complete the 300. 
However, without me to follow, dependent upon his Wahoo, which failed again, 
Maybe failed more than once in his final 100-kms, 
Doug managed to collect quite a few bonus miles, and 
If I recall correctly, took at least two more hours to ride that "100-kms" 
Than I was expecting him to take. 
Here follows the edited extract from my Excel ride log (and perhaps the official results): 
  • -> NCBC Morrisville 300k brevet  --  DNF @ Siler City, lift home from MikeO, 
    • to "reward" Mike for the lift, I bought him lunch a few weeks later when the two of us pre-drove the 600k brevet course.
  • w/ Doug K, RUSA #876, 
  • 19.6-mile commute to the start,  1:24 in-motion 
    • (either I was in good shape OR I had to hurry the commute by a few minutes) 
  • 126.1-miles of the brevet completed,  9:38 in-motion, 
  • total  145.7-miles,  11:02 in-motion,  13.2-mph avg for the entire ride(s). 
NC: RaleighNorth Carolina Bicycle Club / 933045ACPB3002022/04/23102

Cert#RUSA#NameClub / ACP CodeTimeMedal
2792101803A, Steven BrantlyNorth Carolina Bicycle Club / 93304512:43 
27921115423A, Bjoern McCross Creek Cycling Club / 93300611:25 
2792121015B, ChetNorth Carolina Bicycle Club / 93304514:27 
2792133095J, WesRandonneurs USA / 93309511:25 
279214876K, DougRandonneurs USA / 93309519:50 
27921510866L, Jon BradyCarolina Tarwheels / 93304712:43 
2792164649M, John LCarolina Tarwheels / 93304714:29 
2792173175O, LindleyRandonneurs USA / 93309514:29 
27921814816S, KadeNorth Carolina Bicycle Club / 93304515:36 
279219608V, Cynthia FRandonneurs USA / 91009514:27 
Three or four things: 
 1.  I didn't recall that Doug came SO CLOSE to an Hors Delay finish! 
 2.  I did not know that someone else had also DNF'd. 
 3.  Again I note that google-blogger has messed up the alternate text color, so Doug's time is bolded, but I cannot get the text to be any color other than black. 
 4.  Google-blogger has also messed up the way the links work.  If one has already typed the desired text, and then makes the link, blogger is duplicating the test -- once without the link  +  once with the text duplicated for the link. 

Wednesday, June 5, 2024

Apr-16-2022: Just some pics from the NRT Perm-Pop

Pics hiding away in the wrong folder still sorta' tell a story.  Maybe.  
"Augmented" by some info from my Excel log, perhaps the story is better.  Doubtful. 
Jan-14, NRT Pop, as per the Excel log: 
  • -> (via Bedford) NRT Perm-Pop #3094  --  strong NNW wind on return 
  • 0715, leave my abode  --  0800, NRT start,  5h41 elapsed time for the NRT-Pop 
    • 9.1-mile cycle commute to the start, 38-minutes in-motion, 
    • 62.8-miles for the NRT-Pop, 4:41 in-motion 
    • total:  71.9-miles; 5:19 in-motion; i.e., 13.5-mph avg in-motion 
  • return to "civilization" via motor vehicle ride with IvaHawk 
    • and that suggest this was NOT a solo affair 
      • so let's look up the results and collapse (+ adjust) them if needed 

2022/01/14 finishers=3 DNF=0



B, Bob

Randonneurs USA / 940095




S, Martin

North Carolina Bicycle Club / 933045




A, "IvaHawk"

Randonneurs USA / 933095


Okay, seeing the results, I do have somewhat a recollection of the ride. 
Mostly something about the recorded results. 
[And editing the "Jan-14, NRT Pop" text above to be bold + blue, 
I find yet another screw-up by the tech people as the text color will NOT change to blue!]   
Anyway the photos from Jan-14: 
Start at "Bike Guy" shop.  Timestamp 0802. 

Anderson Point photo control -- an unnecessary control if ever there was one.  0916. 

Turn-around "in/at" Clayton.  Bob tending to his machine.  Mine on the left.  IvaHawk's on the right.  Timestamp 1031. 

Sheetz intermediate control on the return.  I forgot to "right-side-up" this pic, so turn your head, Haha.  Tiimestamp 1237. 

Fin at the "Bike Guy."  1343. 
April-16, NRT Pop, as per the Excel log: 
  • -> (via Falls of the Neuse Rd) NRT Perm-Pop #3094 (return Falls of the Neuse) ->  
  • solo, wind from the SW(?)    --    NRT elapsed  5h07 
    • 5.8-mile downhill cycle commute to the start, 27-minutes in-motion, 
    • 63.6-miles for the NRT-Pop, 4:36 in-motion 
    • 5.9-mile UPhill cycle commute return, 33-minutes in-motion, 
    • total:  75.3-miles; 5:36 in-motion; i.e., 13.4-mph avg in-motion 
    • this ride was a solo affair, so no need to publish the official results 
Photos -- if I were clever, and blogger were less annoying, I could have perhaps done a side-by-side photo comparison of the January and April photos; however, separate presentation will have to do:  
"Bike Guy" shop.  Timestamp 1300. 

Anderson Point.  1415. 

Mirror selfie at the turn-around.  1522. 

Mirror selfie at the Sheetz -- not as effective as at the turn-around.  1716. 

Mirror selfie at the "Bike Guy" -- Fin.  Timestamp 1807.  Note the "Closed" sign -- I'm not sure I've ever seen that shop "Open" -- maybe once. 
I'll modify my oft-used tag line to this: 
That's my blog post, and I'll be sticking to it. 
[If for no other reason than I don't recall anything about either of these rides.  :-O ] 

Monday, June 3, 2024

April-14-2022: Possum Tracking

Mixing up the order of things: 
From my Excel log: 
  • -> BayLeafChRd-PossumTrack-Lindley-RavenRidge-Koupela -> 
    • i.e., a typical "one-loop" PossumTracking training ride 
  • ~ 82 degrees, SW wind, pollen 
  • 18.1-miles;  1:24 in-motion;  12.9-mph avg in-motion 
    • and given the 60+ ft of climbing per mile, that avg pace in-motion is:
      • just fine -- thank-you very much 
And the real reason for making this plain-Jane post is: 
I have this photo taken of the Mtns-to-the-Sea sign.  Which sign, I have previously published quite a few photos, but as the sign at one of the places where the trail crosses the road is something I like to stop and take a photo, I took a photo, and I think this photo came out pretty well (sharp, bright image -- and the only drawback being my shadow).  Timestamp  1627 (i.e., 4:27 pm). 

April-02-2022: Morrisville 200 ACP Brevet

There was a good turnout for this event. 
Some probably there to begin their journey toward a "good spot" in the queue for 2023 PBP. 
Others there to begin their journey toward a 2022 Super Series, but without thoughts of PBP. 
Others likely there to get in their longest ride of the calendar year. 
And others may have had other reasons for riding. 
An embed of the route: 
My friend BobB and I were off the back of the peloton in the first mile or so. 
Ditto for DougK, whom we knew, but had never ridden with. 
Well, at least I had never ridden with Doug except for 2 or 3 miles in August-2010. 
Doug, Bob, and I decided to ride together. 
Or maybe we didn't decide that, but instead it just happened as the logical thing 
As we certainly formed the lantern rouge crew. 
I struggled all the way to the Snow Camp control (approx the 50-mile mark). 
I was also sleepy -- something that Bob could confirm is not unusual for me. 
At Snow Camp, I purchased two 12-oz cans of Mtn Dew for the caffeine, etc.. 
And during the 12-miles between Snow Camp and Siler City, 
I drank most of the Mtn Dew and forced my legs to perform better (i.e., ride faster). 
My legs came around and I continued the higher cadence / faster riding 
On the return to Snow Camp from Siler City. 
My faster pace continued after Snow Camp as we headed east toward Morrisville, 
And other "important" points in between (e.g., Frosty's, Andrew's Store, Farrington Point). 
All ride long, one of the three of us had frequently been watering the weeds along the route. 
If not for that, the other two of us figured that person could have easily ridden away from us. 
Reaching the c-store previously known as Frosty's, 
The plant watering person among us made use of the port-a-pot there, and 
Also made use of the c-store to refresh his supply of cold beverages. 
Meanwhile, Bob and I sat ourselves down on opposite sides of the picnic table 
Located in the parking lot. 
When we each were well seated, Bob says to me, "you've been pushing the pace since Snow Camp." 
It was NOT a compliment. 
The three of us left "Frosty's" and bypassed Andrew's Store, and 
Headed down the major decline of Jack Bennett Rd. 
Using the momentum of that decline, I reached the turn off Lystra onto Farrington Rd 
Before Doug (not to mention Bob). 
As Doug stopped next to me, he noted that Bob was obviously struggling, and 
He further suggested that we take an extra break at the Farrington Store, 
Using the picnic table(s) nestled between the two stores. 
Bob like the idea of taking the extra break, so we did. 
After resting a bit, we set off to cover the final 16-or-so miles of the course. 
If my Excel log contains the correct time information, we finished the brevet in 11h47 elapsed. 
My log also notes "LONG stops & extra ones." 
And that is clearly the result of: 
  • me struggling mightily outbound, 
  • Bob struggling mightily inbound, and 
  • Doug claimed to have struggled equally throughout. 
Official results for the brevet: 
NC: RaleighNorth Carolina Bicycle Club / 933045ACPB2002022/04/02141

Cert#RUSA#NameClub / ACP CodeTimeMedal
6764041803A, Steven BrantlyNorth Carolina Bicycle Club / 93304507:25 
6764055843B, BobRandonneurs USA / 94009511:47 
6764061015B, ChetNorth Carolina Bicycle Club / 93304509:08 
6764073095J, WesRandonneurs USA / 93309507:14 
6764084156K, AnnetteAsheville International Randonneurs / 93301107:30 
6764094155K, ChrisAsheville International Randonneurs / 93301107:30 
676410876K, DougRandonneurs USA / 93309511:47 
67641110866L, Jon BradyCarolina Tarwheels / 93304707:25 
6764124649M, John LCarolina Tarwheels / 93304709:04 
67641312981N, Marshall JRandonneurs USA / 94009507:14 
6764143175O, LindleyRandonneurs USA / 93309509:04 
67641514816S, KadeNorth Carolina Bicycle Club / 93304510:35 
6764166218S, MartinNorth Carolina Bicycle Club / 93304511:47 
676417608V, Cynthia FRandonneurs USA / 91009509:08 
I didn't recall that anyone DNF'd this event; but there is one noted in the results. 
Always disappointing when someone has to DNF.