Saturday, June 1, 2024

Mar-19/20-2022: Morrisville 110k Pre-Ride / Alan's 79th Birthday Celebration

The Mar-12th early "Pi Day" celebration for RBA Alan's 79th birthday, 
Having been washed out, 
The birthday celebration was rescheduled for Sunday, Mar-20th, 
Preceded by the usual "Alan 110k Populaire". 
BobB #5843, MikeD #1609, and I did a pre-ride the day before, 
I.e., on Saturday, Mar-19th. 
Bob couldn't make the Sunday celebration, but agreed to be a ride-along partner for the pre-ride. 
And Mike volunteered to join us on the pre-ride. 
We three had a good ride in good weather. 
Although there are things I could type about that ride, 
I reckon that the above is sufficient. 
After all, what more does one need for a successful bike ride 
Other than good weather, good ride partners, a good course, and no mechanicals? 
Answer to that question immediately above:  NOTHING more is needed. 
[I'll even skip the usual lines extracted or based upon my Excel ride log.]  
That's my story and I'll be sticking to it. 
Additionally, I'll publish the few (control) photos that I have, and 
Will also include a copy of the official Mar-20 results. 
[I should note that we had an enjoyable celebration, eating food and various chats 
All while enjoying the ambiance of Alan's garage, 
With the tools of Alan's various hobbies surrounding us, and 
I'm quite sure that there was some homebrew offered to each.] 

Those three above photos are admittedly pretty dang boring. 
Did I not take any photos of the more interesting controls? 
Did I not take any photos from other locations along the route? 
Answer:  it seems not. 
RUSA results of the Mar-20 Populaire: 
NC: RaleighNorth Carolina Bicycle Club / 933045RUSAP1102022/03/20100

Cert#RUSA#NameClub / ACP CodeTimeMedal
RUSA-P190311803A__, Steven BrantlyNCBC / 93304505:05 
RUSA-P190325843B__, BobRandonneurs USA / 94009505:51 
RUSA-P190331015B__L, ChetNCBC / 93304505:36 
RUSA-P190341609D__, Michael JNCBC / 93304505:51 
RUSA-P19035876K__, DougRandonneurs USA / 93309505:36 
RUSA-P19036215OC__, MichaelCarolina Tarwheels / 93304705:46 
RUSA-P1903714816S__, KadeNCBC / 93304505:36 
RUSA-P190386218S__, MartinNCBC / 93304505:51 
RUSA-P190392618H__, JoeRayCarolina Tarwheels / 93304705:37 
RUSA-P190408024T__, Michael MCarolina Tarwheels / 93304705:37 

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