Thursday, June 25, 2009

Jun-25: "Speed" work again


BJP-back lot: DocN-Kemp-Virgil; 30.0 m.; est 1359 cliimbed --> effort = 43; 1hrs, 45min; 17.1 mph avg pace.

1st Qt. tot: 20 rides; 755.3 m.; 47 hrs, 31 min; 15.9 mph.
Apr tot: 13 rides; 666.4 m.; 42 hrs, 58 min; 15.5 mph.
May tot: 14 rides, 803.1 m.; 50 hrs, 39 min; 15.8 mph.
Jun tot: 12 rides, 503.6 m.; 32 hrs, 18 min; 15.6 mph.
YTD: 59 rides; 2728.6 m.; 173 hrs, 27 min; 15.7 mph.

Hardly even a breeze. Legs did have some residual from Tuesday -- I pushed on -- not quite as fast as Tuesday.

To get to the same avg pace as for all of 2008, in the same number of miles as in all of 2008, I have to AVERAGE 17.0 mph for the next 1036.7 miles. NOT likely.

To get to the same avg pace as for all of 2008, by averaging "only" 16.5 mph until the average gets to that "goal", I have to ride the next 2104.6 miles averaging that 16.5. Again, NOT likely, especially as there are likely to be some more mountain rides. However, my average pace for Jul-Dec '08 (excluding the 2 MS-150 rides) was 16.5 mph -- so, it isn't "impossible" -- just . . . don't bet on it.

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