Sunday, December 6, 2020

Aug-05: In Which I Intersect the Mountains to Sea Trail, Again

Beating a dead horse, "some information from my Excel log": 
  • the course:  -> Honeycutt-PossumTrack-Brassfield-Coachman's-Honeycutt -> a friend's who needed some help with ... something,   22.1-miles. 
  • "misc" info:  1300, solo, heat and climbing training? 
  • 1:39 in-motion, avg 13.3 mph 
  • a comment on the route defined above:  there is a fair bit of route "missing" between the reference to "Possum Track" and the next reference to "Brassfield."  Namely, reversing on Possum Track for half-a-mile, and then riding thru the "Lindley Rd neighborhood" to get to Hardee Rd and then to Raven Ridge Rd and finally to Brassfield Rd. 
  • the reference to "Coachman's" translates to Coachman's Way and then a couple other roads to get thru that neighborhood before emerging onto Possum Track for half-a-mile and then turning onto Honeycutt to reverse the first 5+ miles.  
I took a couple photos at the "bottom" of Possum Track Rd.  When I published the photos on Facebook (on or shortly after August 5th), I noted that the first photo was for everyone and the second was for TonyG. 
Time-stamp 1335, so it took 35 minutes from the start location (my abode) to reach this location.  This isn't the first photo of this sign at this location, but (so far) it is the best I've taken of this sign/location.
Time-stamp 1339 -- it took several attempts to perfect the angle of this "selfie" using my flip-phone.  Photo not perfect since the "a" is missing from "Carolina," but everyone ought to understand the original source of the jersey in the photo.  [Btw, to clarify:  I've never ridden the "Taste of Carolina" (nor the "Carolina Spring 1200'), but I have done three or four days of volunteer service on several occasions, and Tony figured that was worth a one of the jerseys.]
And that's my story, to which I'll be sticking for this blog post of the ride in question.

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